Thursday, December 10, 2009

Obama accepts the Nobel Peace Prize dedicates it to soldiers sent to Afghanistan

Obama acepta el Premio Nobel de la Paz y se lo dedica a los soldados que enviará a Afghanistán

The president of the most peaceful nation in the world and beyond, Barack Obama, went to Oslo to receive the Nobel Peace Prize and in an emotional ceremony in which  some little tears ran down his cheek, he dedicated the award to the 36,000 soldiers who will be taking off  to Afghanistan soon.
Barack Obama gave a speech about the deep meaning of Peace. "Our brave soldiers are the emissaries of peace. Go around preaching love and fraternity among all human beings. So I dedicate this award which I receive on behalf of them humbly," Obama said before receiving a thunderous applause.
Obama pledged to eliminate Guantanamo because it was not fair that the peace would be restricted to one location on the planet. "We have to spread all over the world the message of peace from Guantanamo, so I eliminated to avoid the exclusive," said Obama.
The soldiers are in Afghanistan, and although they not really know why they are there, they will be contributing with weapons of Peace to the happiness of the world ... and beyond.

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