Another heinous assassination of a Honduran trans person
Thu, 12/17/2009 - 10:10 — AP
From El Tiempo, translation: Adrienne Pine (adrienne at quotha dot net)
Travesti Found Decapitated and Castrated
Tuesday, December 15th 2009 22:12
Tuesday, December 15th 2009 22:12
Yesterday morning on the side of the highway from Puerto Cortés to San Pedro Sula, wrapped in two plastic bags, without a head and castrated, appeared the cadaver of a young travesti [translator's note: I maintain the Spanish here to emphasize the local cultural connotations of the category, which somewhat overlaps with but is not synonymous to transgender, transexual, transvestite & other categories in the U.S.]
The youth was between 20 and 25 years old, thin and of medium height. In his pockets he did not have any identity and, according to the authorities, he could have been transported from some nearby city in the pre-dawn hours to be dumped there.
He was dressed in short shorts, a blouse and was barefoot. His fingernails were painted.
The body showed various knife wounds. They sliced off his genitals and his head was not found.
"They came to throw him out wrapped in two plastic bags, one pink and the other white," said an agent who was helping to remove the body.
The police said that some neighbors had called the Baracoa station's headquarters to inform them that a person's lifeless body had been dumped on the side of the highway just a few meters from the traffic circle at the street going toward the cemetery in the Las Brisas neighborhood.
Original: (see also link above from original at El Tiempo)
Decapitado y castrado encuentran a travesti
Martes, 15 de Diciembre de 2009 22:12
altEnvuelto en dos sacos de plástico, sin cabeza y castrado apareció la mañana de ayer a orillas de la autopista que viene de San Pedro Sula a Puerto Cortés el cadáver de un joven travesti.
altEnvuelto en dos sacos de plástico, sin cabeza y castrado apareció la mañana de ayer a orillas de la autopista que viene de San Pedro Sula a Puerto Cortés el cadáver de un joven travesti.
Se trata de un joven con una edad entre los 20 y 25 años de edad, de contextura delgada y estatura media. En sus bolsas no portaba identidad alguna y, según las autoridades, pudieron haberlo venido a tirar en horas de la madrugada desde alguna ciudad cercana.
Estaba vestido con un yin corto, camiseta y descalzo. Sus uñas las tenía pintadas.
El cuerpo presentaba varias heridas de arma blanca, le arrancaron los genitales y la cabeza no la encontraron.
“Lo vinieron a botar envuelto en dos sacos plásticos uno de color rosado y otro blanco”, dijo un agente que acudió a colaborar al levantamiento del cadáver.
La policía dijo que algunos vecinos llamaron a la jefatura de la estación de Baracoa para informar que el cuerpo sin vida de una persona estaba tirado a orillas de la autopista a pocos metros del retorno, calle al cementerio en la colonia Las Brisas.
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