Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The vested interests of the coup leaders in relation to elections in Honduras

The vested interests of the coup leaders in relation to elections in Honduras


Why  are the coup leaders  desperate for the elections?

Firstly, for entrepreneurship, more than ever they urgently need an agreement to stop the loss that  the conflict has caused due to disruptions in production due to the limitations on shift work, safety, the hindrances in the bureaucratic procedures and the sharp fall in domestic consumption and private and state investment  frozen to the root of the fiscal crisis with a fall of around 40% in tax revenue. They need elections to ensure  the return to normalcy, which paid for candidates and campaigns who had their pay in the state patronage. 

Secondly, the candidates for elections need to get out of the huge financial commitments to be able to carry out their campaigns. Despite the possible loss of votes as a result of the collective process of political reflection caused the coup and political  - military repression for the masses , debts accumulate due to the costs of the campaign and the current internal campaign which are exaggerated. Failure of the election would be their ruin, turning them bankrupt, they'd lose  their property and savings. Moreover, it should not be dismissed the brutal pressures of those bankers, businessmen of various "businesses" until the constraints who have fought to fund  these campaigns and  who are not  willing to lose. 

Third and finally, an entire bureaucracy primarily established in Tegucigalpa, which has managed to get jobs through political activism, that as citizens we know that there are good public servants, many of them and they're paratroopers. If there are no elections, how will they  get jobs if there is no way to activate the political client patronage.

Employers, candidates and bureaucrats of all kinds are struggling to return to the system that have always fed them at the expense of the people, of course.

Is it not time to think of an electoral system that does not need huge amounts of money or paid activists to carry out our choice of / as representatives?

Don't you think it's time to democratize access to politics and to professionalize public servants?

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