Thursday, October 29, 2009

Policía reprime con saña manifestación pacifica

Policía reprime con saña manifestación pacifica

Tegucigalpa 29/10. Nuevamente la Policía y el ejercito, desalojó hoy, de forma violenta la marcha pacifica, de la resistencia contra el golpe de estado, a inmediaciones del Tribunal Supremo Electoral TSE.

Ancianos y niños fueron víctimas de los gases, disparados por los policías.  

Los manifestantes habían salido de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional UPN, transitando por en medio del predio universitario, después que policías y militares se negaban a dejarlos salir. El diputado de Unificación Democrática Marvín Ponce, rogó al encargado policial de que los dejaran salir con la manifestación.

La marcha avanzó por el boulevard conocido como Fuerzas Armadas, después tomó el boulevard Kuwait, pero al llegar a inmediaciones del TSE, frente a las instalaciones de la Iglesia Mi Viña, se inició la represión de militares y policías que alcanzaron la manifestación, en tres comandos de las Fuerzas Armadas.

Después los manifestantes que quedaron a los alrededores del lugar, se dirigieron en grupos pequeños hasta inmediaciones del Hotel Marriott, donde se desarrollan las reuniones con los enviados del Departamento de Estado norteamericano.

Pero en pocos minutos llegaron comandos militares y de la policía, quienes nuevamente desalojaron con violencia, la manifestación pacifica.

Se reporta que hay Heridos y detenidos por parte del ejército y la policía. Entre los golpeados de hoy, estaría Rafael Alegría.

Armed Forces pass under control of de factoElectoral Tribunal 

The Armed Forces of Honduras on Thursday became available to the de factoSupreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) , a month after the elections scheduled to elect officials for the period 2010-2014, while the country  spends efforts to overcome political crisis on 28 June. 

The ceremony at the military high command was to order the TSE to take charge of logistics for the November 29 elections took place in the Field of Mars stop, 10 km southwest of the capital.

What is an anti-election protest?

If you guessed terrorism, then you are able to anticipate the de facto regime's security forces better than I can.

An article in today's La Tribuna details the plans the National Police and Armed Forces have to deal with possibility anti-electoral protests, based on a joint press conference. (Wonderful to have such accessible security forces...)

Their immediate threat was to arrest members of the Frente de Resistencia, for what they said were threats to take over buildings, destroy political advertising, and disturb the public peace with noise. These crimes, they said, would be met with arrests.

As ever with the de facto regime, they provided citations of what they claim as the legal grounds for their threats. Now, it seems the Frente is a bunch of potential terrorists:
They based the preceding on Article 336, number 6 of the Penal Code, which says: they commit the crime of terrorism, who with political ends attempt against the security of the State executing any of the following deeds: Whoever organizes bands, teams, or armed groups that would invade or assault populated places, hospitals and churches, among other private and public places, will be sanctioned with imprisonment of 15 to 20 years....
That does seem the first place to go for dealing with peaceful protests, doesn't it?

But wait, there's more: the fiendish crime of noise, they noted, is punishable under
Article 73 of the Plan of Arbitrations of the Municipal Mayoralty of Tegucigalpa, concerning sound contamination: Automotive vehicles that cause excessive noise with horns and cars with loudspeakers that cause sound contamination will have imposed a sanction of 500 to 5,000 lempiras.
The article ends on a more disturbing and less clownish note; after asserting that people do have the right to demonstrate, as long as the apply to do so first, they aired a paranoid fear that "the left" was threatening to kill members of the military and police.

Oh, and the picture included here? The caption reads,
Las personas que anden haciendo ruido y pidiendo que no se ejerza el sufragio, será acusada de terrorismo

(The people who walk around making noise and asking that suffrage not be exercised, will be accused of terrorism.)
Somewhat more extreme than the actual police threats, which would not seem to relate at all to bands demonstrating and playing drums. But then, it would be too much to expect one of the pro-coup papers to actually base their captions on what their own report says, when making things up is so much more dramatic.

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