Sunday, October 4, 2009 YzYi00ZTRlLWE0MDYtNGQ1NWFmYmRjNThk&hl=en

Honduras : Following President Zelaya’s return to Honduras, NGOs urge the International Criminal Court (ICC) to undertake preventive measures

The Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos de España (APDHE) and the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) urge Roberto Micheletti’s de facto government to withdraw and allow the reinstatement of the elected president. APDHE and FIDH condemn the fact that, once again, the de facto government has resorted to a curfew as a way to suppress civic mobilisation claiming reinstatement of democracy. Tomorrow the NGOs will submit a communication to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague. Through this communication, they will call for the ICC to investigate and punish those most responsible for the crime of persecution on political grounds, which has been perpetrated by those who led the coup d’Etat since 28 June 2009.

APDHE and FIDH will submit numerous testimonies to the ICC Office of the Prosecutor. Those testimonies highlight the generalised and systematic manner in which the highest de facto officials in Honduras have been committing serious human rights violations since the coup d’Etat . Those violations include thousands of arbitrary arrests, systematic persecution of independent press, extrajudicial killings, inhuman and degrading treatment, physical and psychological torture, death threats, unlawful deportation or expulsion, persecution of foreigners especially Nicaraguans, as well as persecution of civil servants, members of parliament, mayors, judges and prosecutors who have opposed the coup.
The communication also calls for the ICC to investigates mass media owners and religious officials who have made statements calling for political persecution against those who have supported a national constituent assembly or who have advocated for the return of President Zelaya.
According to its policy, the ICC Office of the Prosecutor must identify those who bear the highest responsibility for the crimes within ICC jurisdiction. In this regard, APDHE and FIDH consider that the following persons would be criminally liable:
Roberto Micheletti, de facto ruler and other members of his government; General Romeo Vásquez Velásquez, Military Chief of Joint Staff and other military commanders; Police Chief Salomón de Jesús Escoto Salinas and other law enforcement commanders; Billy Joya Améndola, Security Advisor for the de facto government and former soldier accused of serious human rights violations during the 80’s; Jorge Alberto Rivera Avilez, President of the Supreme Court of Justice; Luis Alberto Rubí Avila, Attorney General and other judges and prosecutors who have been trying to legitimise the coup through judicial actions and/or by failing to meet their constitutional or legal obligations, thereby becoming responsible for the crime of persecution on political grounds; José Alfredo Saavedra Paz, President of the National Assembly and other members of Parliament who promoted the coup and have encouraged political persecution of those who have opposed it.
APDHE and FIDH recall that the crime of persecution on political grounds, as a crime against humanity, falls under the jurisdiction of the ICC and that Honduras is a State party to the ICC Statute. They call upon the Office of the Prosecutor to take into account that the coup was led with the aim of preventing millions of Hondurans who advocated for a constitutional change, from exercising their political rights. They also call upon the ICC Prosecutor to take all measures within his power and authority to deter further commission of crimes and prevent the worsening of the situation in Honduras.

17 dead and 4,000 detained in protest three months

Saturday, 03 Octubre 2009 15:21

Izaskun Sánchez Aroca / Madrid
Tuesday, 29 September 2009. Diagonal Number 109 Number 110

The return of Manuel Zelaya has hardened repression strongly against the resistance. The data are unclear and the work of human rights organizations has been further complicated by the curfew.
On 25 September the International Observation Mission on the Situation of Human Rights in Honduras, made up of 17 independent representatives in different countries, presented in Madrid a report containing a documentation of how the de facto government violates freedom of expression, communication or representation, arbitrarily arrested resistance leaders and activists, persecute, torture and intimidates, with particular cruelty to women's organizations.
The presented the report stated that the latest data received from Tegucigalpa talks about the transfer of detainees to stadiums, the wounded taken to hospitals and taken to detention centers and how ambulances are stopped to be checked. Reina Rivera, director of the Center for Research and Development in Human Rights (CIPRODEH) presented the report. Rivera said that until 25 September, his organization has documented 17 murders, ten gunmen through four protestors in the street, two peasant leaders and a teacher. "All opposed the coup and some were members of the Democratic Unification Party," he says.
In late August there were already more than 4,000 arbitrary detentions, of which 156 were minors, in violation of curfew and street demonstrations. "Some detainees have also confirmed the torture in detention centers," said Honduran activist. "Men are submitted to fire under their testicles and women are penetrated through a nightstick (police baton) in their sexual organs. They also throw pepper spray and beat detainees. " In late August the number of injured stood at 300. Xenophobia is another form of de facto government. "Detentions are common to foreigners, mainly Nicaraguans.
The latest arrests included two children aged 8 and 12 years with their parents. Moreover, the DPP has declared the demonstrations illegal, hence "is used to make selective arrests, conduct joint trials on charges including illegal demonstrations, sedition and even terrorism in some cases" denounces this human rights activist.
Another right that is violated is syndication, especially the state groups. Reyes confirmed that after leaving Honduras "a group of 120 teachers were facing the Honduran justice prosecutor with a request to invoke their right to strike." Trade unions in the national electricity company have been dismissed. In San Pedro Sula, 300 people have lost their jobs. "There were also notes found from private companies that force workers to participate in the marches of the white shirts [the de facto support for the regime]," says Reyes.

Professor COPEMH Shot

Friday, 02 Octubre of 2009 13:57
This morning at the colony in one of the parking lots of the San Angel in Tegucigalpa, Professor Mario Contreras was shot, a close associate in the struggles of COPEMH magisterial President Eulogio Chavez.
Since 28 June, which the coup occurred Professor Contreras has actively participated in various demonstrations that have been made for more than 90 days.
Until now feel "for reasons that were hurt the teacher, who was taken to the Honduran Social Security Institute to provide the required medical care.
The teacher works at the Institute Luis Bogran of the capital of the Republic.
No wonder that now they try to intimidate the population with apparent criminal actions in a state which has declared itself in sieg, which violates individual rights of Hondurans.

Two more killings of comrades in the Resistance

Friday, 02 Octubre of 2009 21:49
Today Professor Mario who works at the Institute Abelardo R. Fortin and Instituto Luis Bogran was killed, the incident occurred in the colonial San Angel, two blocks from his home in the early morning.

He was a member of the resistance, this is another crime of another fellow teacher, who so far are those who have shown greater opposition in the streets against the current defacto overplays.

Moreover, in the village of Canculuncos, Santa Barbara Digent Farmer and Resistance Member in the sector, Mr Antonio Leiva , was found dead, who according to a reporter for the program Habla como Habla Angel David Munoz, was seized and was now found cruelly murdered in the community mentioned above.

Both men were members of the resistance, so relevant research is required by the authorities for these crimes not go unpunished as so many others.

Teacher Mario killed

Hoy en horas de las mañana fue asesinado el Profesor Mario Sub Diderector de la jornada nocturna de Instituto Jesus Milla Selva de la Colonia Kennedy, el hecho ocurrió en la Colonia San Angel, a dos cuadras de su vivienda, en horas de la mañana.
El fue miembro de la resistencia, este es otro crimen de otro compañero maestro, quienes hasta la fecha son quienes mayor  oposición han demostrado en las calles contra el actual gobienro defacto.

Por otro lado, en la aldea de Canculuncos, departamento de Santa Barbara fue encontrado el Digente Campesino y de la Resistencia en ese sector el Sr. Antonio Leiva, quién según reportero de Habla Como Habla Vespertina, Angel David Muñoz,fue secuestrado y hoy se le encontró cruelmente asesinado en la comunidad antes citada.

Ambos compañeros eran militantes de la resistencia, por lo que se exige la investigación pertinente por las autoridades para que estos crimenes no queden impunes como tantos otros.

Esta mañana en la colonia San Angel de Tegucigalpa fue baleado el profesor Mario Contreras, cercano colaborador en las luchas magisteriales del presidente del Copemh, Eulogio Chávez.
Desde el 28 de junio, que ocurrió el Golpe de Estado el profesor Contreras ha participado activamente en las distintas movilizaciones que se han realizado durante más de 90 días.
Hasta ahora se deconocen las razones por la que fue herido el profesor, quien fue trasladado al Instituto Hondureño de Seguridad Social para brindarle la atención médica requerida.
El profesor contreras labora en el Instituto Luis Bogran de la Capital de la República.

Human Rights Council UN condemns abuses in Honduras

El Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU (CDH) condenó hoy unánimente las violaciones y vejaciones cometidas en Honduras tras el golpe de Estado que en junio último destituyó al presidente Manuel Zelaya. The Council of the UN Human Rights (CHR) today unanimously condemned the violations and abuses committed in Honduras after the coup that ousted last June, President Manuel Zelaya. Una declaración votada este jueves por todos los miembros "condena rotundamente las violaciones a los derechos humanos como consecuencia del golpe" y demanda la restauración de la democracia en el territorio hondureño. A statement on Thursday voted by all members "strongly condemns the violations of human rights following the coup" and demanded the restoration of democracy in Honduras.

El documento rechaza los excesos cometidos por el gobierno de facto a raíz del retorno de Zelaya a esa nación centroamericana el 21 de septiembre pasado e insta al respeto incondicional de las libertades fundamentales. The paper rejects the excesses committed by the de facto government following the return of Zelaya to this Central American nation last September 21 and urges the unconditional respect for fundamental freedoms.

Insiste en que se respete la integridad del presidente constitucional hondureño, quien desde su regreso a Honduras permanece en la embajada de Brasil en Tegucigalpa. Stresses that respect the integrity of the constitutional president of Honduras, who since his return to Honduras remains in the Brazilian Embassy in Tegucigalpa.

Al respecto, el CDH condena los actos de intimidación contra esa misión diplomática y manifiesta su solidaridad con la conducta de la misma al proteger al gobernante, lo cual considera coherente con el Derecho Internacional. In this regard, the HRC condemns acts of intimidation against the diplomatic mission and expressed its solidarity with the conduct of it to protect the ruling, which deemed consistent with international law.

Según el texto, las recientes violaciones de derechos civiles en Honduras fueron comprobadas por varios relatores especiales del CDH y por organismos de la Organización de Estados Americanos. According to the text, the recent civil rights violations in Honduras were tested by several special rapporteurs of the CHR and agencies of the Organization of American States.

Insiste en que la declaración aprobada este jueves por consenso se une a los ingentes esfuerzos encaminados a restaurar la democracia y el Estado de derecho en ese país. Insists that the statement adopted by consensus on Thursday joined the massive effort to restore democracy and the rule of law in that country.

Finalmente, se solicita a la Alta Comisionada para los Derechos Humanos de la ONU, Navi Pillay, un informe sobre las violaciones en Honduras desde el golpe de Estado, el cual deberá ser presentado ante la Asamblea General. Finally, it requests the High Commissioner for UN Human Rights, Navi Pillay, a report on violations in Honduras since the coup, which must be submitted to the General Assembly.

Fuente: Source:

Las organizaciones firmantes alertan de manera urgente a los medios de comunicación y a la comunidad internacional de la detención, procesamiento, encarcelamiento y criminalización de hombres y mujeres que han participado pacíficamente en protestas contra el gobierno de facto de Honduras.
La justicia hondureña acusó ayer por el delito de sedición, daños a la propiedad estatal y hurto de documentos oficiales, a 50 campesinos que no ofrecieron resistencia al ser desalojados y que fueron detenidos el 30 de septiembre, en el Instituto Nacional Agrario (INA), en Tegucigalpa. Ellos tendrán su primera audiencia judicial el día lunes 5 de octubre.
Las personas que fueron puestas en prisión son:

1.-Luis Alberto Alvarado Andino (17 años), originario de Santa Cruz de Guayape
2.-Roberto Reyes López (59 años), originario de Yoro
3.-Ramón Gómez Núñez (54 años), originario de El Progreso, Yoro
4.-Edmundo Flores (58 años), residente en Tocoa, Colón
5.-José Modesto Bautista (49 años), residente en El Progreso, Yoro
6.-Benedicto Emerito Flores Rodríguez (48 años), residente en Morocelí, El Paraíso
7.-Santos Lemus (39 años), residente en Tocoa, Colón
8.-José Antonio Fonseca Martínez (29 años), residente en Morocelí, El Paraíso
9.-Nicolás García Martínez (48 años), residente en la Villa de San Antonio
10.-Adry Laínez Ramírez (25 años), residente en Potrerillos, Cortés
11.-Jesús Portillo Amaya (46 años), residente en Potrerillos, Cortés
12.-Juan Ernesto Cabrera Sarmiento (18 años), residente en Potrerillos, Cortés
13.-José Irene Murillo (69 años), residente Río Bijao, Choloma, Cortés
14.-Carlos Roberto Santos López (25 años), residente San Nicolás, Santa Bárbara
15.-Luis Gustavo López (19 años), residente en Comayagua
16.-José Virgilio Amador Linares (44 años), residente en la Colonia Alemán de Tegucigalpa
17.-Gonzalo Zelaya Ochoa (45 años), residente en el Barrio Las Delicias
18.-Jesús Ramón Cuevas (72 años), residente en Tocoa, Colón
19.-Pedro Alberto Serrano García (20 años), residente en el departamento de Atlántida
20.-Fredy Adán Aguilar Hernández (29 años), residente en Potrerillos, Cortés
21.-Santos Israel Rodríguez (39 años), residente Valle de San Francisco
22.-Genaro Palma (59 años), residente en Tocoa, Colón
23.-Jorge Luis Enamorado (22 años), residente en Tocoa, Colón
24.-José Alejandro Benítez (57 años), residente en Las Flores, Comayagua
25.-Justino Cruz García (57 años), residente en Tocoa, Colón
26.-Fernando Magdiel García Moreno (22 años), residente en la colonia Palermo, El Progreso
27.-Darwing Alexander Padilla Sánchez (23 años), residente colonia Río de Piedras, Cortés
28.-Santos Lemus (39 años), residente Tocoa, Colón
29.-Santanito Pérez Cárcamo (50 años), residente Bonito Oriental, Colón
30.-Carlos Obdulio Portillo (66 años), residente Tocoa, Colón
31.-José Adaliel Colindres Rodríguez (27 años), originario de San Antonio de Oriente, Francisco Morazán
32.-Venturas Santos Colindres Rodríguez (28 años) residente en la cooperativa Montes de Maraita
33..-Justo Cruz Padilla (41 años), residente Tocoa, Colón
34.-Marcos Nicolás (47 años), residente en Comayagua
35.-José Marcos López (40 años), residente en San Jerónimo, Comayagua
36.-Fausto René Matute Banegas (49 años), residente en El Progreso, Yoro
37.-Ramón Adalberto Díaz (43 años), residente Barrio La Concordia
38.-Osman Obeniel Díaz Mejía (29 años), residente Lomas del Carmen, San Pedro Sula, Cortés
39.-Wilfredo Padilla Santos (47 años), residente en Tocoa, Colón
40.-Demetrio Martínez Ávila (59 años), residente El Chagüite, San Antonio de Oriente, Francisco Morazán
41.-Gustavo Adolfo Matamoros Ruiz (39 años), residente en Santa Rita de Yoro
42.-Gerson Adolfo Fajardo Chavarría (24 años) residente en San Manuel, Cortés
43.-Leocadio Aguilar Hernández (56 años), residente en Comayagua
44.-Carlos Humberto Rodríguez Andino (50 años), residente en El Zamorano
45.-Pedro Cárcamo (52 años), residente en Tocoa, Colón
46.-Hernán Arturo Raudales Andino (50 años), residente en la colonia Germania
47.-Juan Pablo Herrera Hernández (52 años), residente colonia Israel Norte
48.-Walter Estanislao Osorto Hernández (13 años), residente en el Remolino, Colón
1.-María Sunilda Morales López (42 años), residente en Guaymaca, Francisco Morazán
2.-Juana Ferrufino Maradiaga (42 años), residente El Chagüite, Maraita
3.-Nicolasa López Gonzáles (54 años), residente en la colonia 2 de mayo en Comayagua
4.- María Angelina Gutiérrez Hernández (29 años), residente en la aldea San Nicolás, Villa de San Antonio, Comayagua.
5.-Tomasa Gómez (38 años), residente en Santa Ana Yuguare
6.- María Elizabeth Benítez Granado (39 años), residente en la aldea San Nicolás, Villa de San Antonio

Los siguientes niños están recluidos en el Centro de Internamiento del Instituto Nacional de la Familia de Honduras (INFAH):
1.- Luis Alberto Alvarado Andino (17)
2.- Walter Estanislao Osorto Hernández (13)
Las siguientes personas fueron dejadas en libertad con medidas sustitutivas a la prisión:

Las mujeres:
1.- María Sunilda Morales López (42)
2- Juana Ferrufino Maradiaga (42)
3.- Nicolasa lópez Gonzáles (29)
4.- María Angelina gutiérrez Hernández (38)
5.- Tomasa Gómez (38)
6.- María Elizabeth Benítez Granados (39)

Adultos mayores:
1.-José Irene Murillo (69)
2.- Jesús Ramos Cuevas (72)
3.- Carlos Obdulio Portillo (66)

Todos ellos fueron arrestados al amparo del decreto ejecutivo PCM-M016-2009 que desde el 26 de septiembre suspendió las garantías constitucionales por 45 días.
El grupo de campesinos y campesinas tomaron las instalaciones del INA después del golpe de Estado del 28 de junio, para resguardar los documentos agrarios de los cuales ellos son beneficiados, al considerar que podrían estar en peligro en manos de las autoridades del gobierno de facto.
También fue confirmada la prisión preventiva contra la maestra AGUSTINA FLORES LÓPEZ, de 50 años de edad, acusada de los delitos de sedición y daños al Estado. Ella permanece detenida en la cárcel de mujeres de Támara.  Agustina Flores fue golpeada por la policía y el ejército en el desalojo ocurrido frente a la embajada de Brasil, el 22 de septiembre.
A pesar de estar esposada, ella fue agredida con toletes y puñetazos, llevada al estadio Chochi Sossa y después trasladada a la Dirección de Investigación Criminal de Comayaguela.
El médico Juan Ángel Almendarez Bonilla certificó el 25 de septiembre las lesiones y traumas que ella había sufrido en su cara, cuello, espalda, brazos y piernas, así como la suspensión de medicamentos esenciales para su salud, las malas condiciones físicas en las que se encontraba y la necesidad de que fuera tratada por un médico especialista con urgencia. 
Junto con ella también fue ordenado auto de prisión contra el turista español ANTONIO PORTA ALVAREZ, de 50 años  y el hondureño SANTOS REYNALDO GARCÍA MONCADA, de 24 años.
En el caso de Agustina Flores, la jueza que analizó su caso cuestionó que la acusada fuera seguidora del presidente Manuel Zelaya y justificó los golpes recibidos por una supuesta resistencia a la autoridad.
Aunque un video muestra la golpiza que una policía le propina a Agustina Flores, la fiscalía presentó como testigo a la oficial responsable de la agresión, quien alegó que la acusada se había golpeado a sí misma. El video puede ser visto en la siguiente dirección electrónica:
Con estos casos  aumenta a 93 el número de personas acusadas por participar en protestas contra el golpe de Estado.
Las organizaciones firmantes hacemos un LLAMADO URGENTE PARA QUE:
  1. El Ministerio Público de Honduras cese la persecución penal de los manifestantes que están en contra del golpe de Estado.
  2. Los jueces y juezas hondureñas ordenen la inmediata liberación de las personas detenidas y el cese de la criminalización de la protesta social.
  3. El Ministerio Público investigue y deduzca responsabilidad penal a quienes han realizado actos de tortura, trato cruel e inhumano y detenciones arbitrarias contra las personas que manifiestan objeción de conciencia al gobierno de facto; para lo cual es fundamental como lo ha señalado la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos que la Fiscalía de Derechos Humanos tenga la posibilidad de asumir sus funciones con independencia.
  4. Los Estados pidan cuentas sobre las condiciones de detención y procesos seguidos contra las personas denunciadas en el presente documento.
  5. La Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos solicite información sobre la situación jurídica y personal de las personas detenidas y procesadas.
  6. La Alta Comisionada de Derechos Humanos de Naciones Unidas solicite información e incluya en el informe solicitado por el Consejo de Derechos Humanos la situación de estas personas.
  7. Al Subcomité de las Naciones Unidas para la Prevención de la Tortura, para que haga público el informe de los resultados de su visita a Honduras.
  8. Al grupo de detenciones arbitrarias de Naciones Unidas para que realice una visita urgente a Honduras y verifique la situación jurídica de las personas detenidas y procesadas.
  9. Al Fiscal General de la Corte Penal Internacional, que monitoree la situación en Honduras y, que inicie investigaciones de las posibles responsabilidades penales sobre crímenes de su competencia, como el de persecución política.
  10. A todas las personas que creen que es posible obtener la paz a través del diálogo y la justicia, para que envíen faxes a favor de las personas detenidas al siguiente número: (504) 269-3070, dirigidos al Abogado JORGE RIVERA AVILEZ, PRESIDENTE DE LA CORTE SUPREMA DE JUSTICIA, para confirmar si se recibieron los envíos hacerlo al Tel. (504) 269-3107.
Las organizaciones firmantes responsabilizan a las autoridades del gobierno de facto por cualquier maltrato que estas personas sufran durante su permanencia en la prisión, así como por las violaciones de derechos humanos que se están cometiendo en su contra.
Observatorio Internacional sobre la Situación de Derechos Humanos en Honduras (OISDHHN)
Federación Internacional de Derechos Humanos (FIDH)
Centro por la Justicia y el Derecho Internacional (CEJIL)
Iniciativa de Copenhaguen para Centroamérica y México (CIFCA)
FIAN Internacional
Alianza Social Continental Centroamérica y Enlazando Alternativa
Plataforma Interamericana de Derechos Humanos Democracia y Desarrollo (PIDHDD)
Federación de Derechos Humanos de España
Suedwind - Austria
IBIS - Dinamarca
Instituto de Estudios Políticos sobre América Latina y África (IEPALA-España)
Servicio Paz y Justicia (SERPAJ-Uruguay)
Solidaridad Mundial - Bélgica
Instituto de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Centroamericana “José
Simeón Cañas” (IDHUCA-El Salvador)

Comité de Familiares de Detenidos – Desaparecidos de Honduras (COFADEH - Honduras)
Centro para la investigación y promoción de Derechos Humanos (CIPRODEH - Honduras)
Centro de Derechos de Mujeres (CDM-Honduras)
FIAN Honduras
Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos (APRODEH-Perú)
Coordinadora Nacional de Derechos Humanos (Perú)
El Centro de Políticas Públicas y Derechos Humanos - Perú EQUIDAD
Para más información contacte:

Martin Wolpold-Bosien,
Marcia Aguiluz,
Luis Guillermo Pérez,

Behind the Coup Regime Curtain

By Al Giordano

D.R. 2009 Latuff, Special to The Narco News Bulletin.

Reading the international press wires from Honduras in recent days, too many give the impression that Honduras coup “president” Roberto Micheletti has lifted last Sunday’s decree that suspended constitutional rights of free speech, press, assembly, transit and due process.

No such thing has happened. The decree, in all its repressive brutality, is still in full force.

While a handful of far right wingnut US Congressmen visited the coup regime in Tegucigalpa yesterday blabbering about “democracy” and “freedom,” their favored regime's troops were busting up even the smallest nonviolent expressions of free speech a few blocks away in Tegucigalpa.

Here’s a ground-level report from yesterday by journalist (and Narco News contributor) Diego Osorno, who landed in Honduras this week as correspondent for the daily Milenio of Mexico City:

“One by one they gather until there are nineteen of them. If they become twenty, they would be violating the ‘State of Siege’ decree that has been law here in Honduras since last Sunday. That law punishes, with prison, all public demonstrations and criticisms of the de facto government.

“All of them are women, carring placards with grievances against Roberto Micheletti… This was a symbolic protest at one of the five barricades that the Honduran Army erected around the Brazilian embassy, where President Manuel Zelaya has refuge. Some of the nineteen women are farmers and others are students…

“Ten minutes later thirty police officers, who seemed to be looking for war, interrupted them. They carried firearms, tear gas grenade launchers, bulletproof vests, masks, shields and sticks to combat the modest demonstration.

“’Get out of here,’ the commander ordered.

“There are fewer than twenty of us, you can’t tell us to go,’ said one of the women…

“’Get out already, Señora, out of here.’

“A dozen of the police placed themselves behind the women and began to push them toward the avenue, recriminated for violating the ‘presidential decree,’ a euphemism for the restriction of civil rights throughout the country…”

Providing an example of what else these citizens in civil resistance are up against, the pro-coup media then takes the demonstrators’ attempt to remain within the coup decree’s 20-person limit on public assemblies, and portrays it as a sign that the resistance has lost steam. The daily Heraldo, for example, covered that same demonstration with these dishonest words:

“The security lines remain, and an important number of national and international journalists, and, of course, demonstrations, which are already almost insignificant for the number of participants.

“In yesterday’s case, in the morning hours, about ten members of feminist groups placed themselves in front of the Brazilian embassy, and the National Police asked them to voluntarily leave the area.”

The difference between those two conflicting news reports marks the distinction between a simulating media and authentic journalism. Because we already know the work of journalist Osorno, his faithfulness to the true facts, his attention to detail, his ability to count, and his long experience reporting from conflict zones such as the one outside the Brazilian embassy in Tegucigalpa, it’s crystal clear to us which of those versions more accurately portrayed what happened.

The daily newspapers owned by the coup-plotting oligarchs - in the daily Heraldo’s case it is owned by Jorge Canahuati Larach, who also heads the same Latin American Business Council (CEAL, in its Spanish initials) that hired US lobbyist Lanny Davis to lie and spin in defense of the coup regime from Washington, DC – every day’s publication brings another sick joke: a new way of distorting the events on the ground. In today’s Heraldo the efforts by members of the civil resistance to stay within the twenty-person limit on public assemblies imposed by the coup dictatorship is thus portrayed as supposed evidence of dwindling opposition.

Got it? A regime limits public assemblies to less than twenty participants, and when participants in the civil resistance attempt to creatively work around that limit, the regime's simulating media portrays their obedience to the letter of the decree as reflective of an alleged lack of support.

And yet the mere existence and continuance of the decree indicates that public opposition to the coup regime is so wide and overwhelming to it that only by suspending basic freedoms is the regime able to hang on to power for a little bit longer.

Most of the international media isn’t much better. Headlines in recent days have implied that the totalitarian decree has already been lifted. BBC: “Honduras Thaw Paves Way for Talks.” AP: “Signs of thaw in Honduras standoff.” Fox: "Honduras Regime Says It Will Restore Rights.” These headlines and many others like them have been going on for five days now, and yet the decree remains in place. As with the doublespeak that shouts "the coup is not a coup," now we have the latest version: "the decree is not a decree." The sheer gullibility of the international media organizations that take dictation from a regime that has over more than three months demonstrated that it almost never does what it says it is doing provides yet another example of why journalism is in a crisis of credibility, and why its official outlets, having lost public trust, are increasingly an endangered species.

It’s possible that in the coming days, the coup regime may announce cancellation of the decree, in order to give one last dying gasp push to the illegitimate "elections" it has scheduled for November 29, but the smart reporters – in contrast to the dishonest or gullible ones - will look at the regime's deeds, not its hollow words, when assessing how to report the next media stunt.

Unless that announcement is accompanied by the immediate physical return of the transmitters and equipment of the TV and radio stations that the regime seized last Monday morning, the withdrawal of the police and military troops occupying those media offices, and the release of the political prisoners rounded up in the days since then, any announced cancellation of the decree will likewise be nothing but empty words.

Nothing suggests that the official media outlets will have learned by then to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. But – because you make it possible - authentic journalists will still be on the ground, breaking the information blockade, letting you know what is really happening behind the coup regime curtain.


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