Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Environmental Committee of the Syria Valley faces persecution by the Attorney General

  El Porvenir, Francisco Morazan (Tuesday April 20, 2010) .- A fierce persecution for defending the environment is faced by the Environmental Committee of the Siria Valley by the Public Ministry, when the renowned environmental defender Carlos Amador was called to testify for the prosecution of Talanga, Francisco Morazan.
 In the act of declaration, the prosecutor René Montalván denied the presence of the human rights ombudsman of the Committee of Relatives of Detained and Disappeared in Honduras (Cofadeh) Kenya Oliva Cardona, who accompanied the renowned environmental leader and social communicator in the Valle de Siria, Carlos Amador.
Amador was given an appointment by the Office of Talanga to give his statement about the events in the community Terrero, municipality of El Porvenir that left dead a security guard identified only as Gumercindo and residents José López and Juan Carlos Raudales, those who were injured on April 7, when the community of El Terrero confronted private security guards, who watch over  a forest piece of land owned by the family Raudales Urrutia.
Moreover, Attorney René Montalvan, questioned the defender of the environment over him giving in  the list of leaders and citizens that make up the Environmental Committee of the Valley of Syria and to summon the places where the committee meets.

  Also, the operator of justice, required recordings made by Carlos Amador on the confrontation that took place in the community of El Terrero.

Carlos Amador is also a social communicator and directs the program "In direct line with the People" which airs on El Porvenir Stereo Radio, owned by José Hernández, who has received threats for criticizing and disseminating information denouncing the abuses of the forest predators  and the miners operating in the area.

  The inhabitants and settlers have been at loggerheads for the last 4 months with family  Urrutia Raudales, who has tried to chop down the forest of Cerro La Torrecita, which would threaten a major water reserve that is located in the area.

  Prosecutor  René Montalván's actions violates  guarantees of due process and judicial protection, which must be granted to citizens, who are required in a witness statement.

Human Rights Attorney Kenia Oliva Cardona, reported that on Wednesday April 14, around 20 policemen surrounded the house of Carlos Amador located in the municipality of El Porvenir, only to deliver a subpoena to appear and testify before the prosecutor of Talanga.
Oliva Cardona said that these actions constitute persecution by the General Prosecutor against  recognized environmental leaders in Syria Valley and it is not possible that they don't  allow the presence of human rights procurators in an administrative declaration  like the one of  citizen Carlos Amador in the Prosecutor's Office of Talanga, Francisco Morazan.
Source:  http://www.defensoresenlinea.com/cms/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=703:comite-ambientalista-del-valle-de-siria-enfrenta-persecucion-por-parte-del-ministerio-publico&catid=54:den&Itemid=171

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