Monday, May 17, 2010

"Democratic" Pepe Lobo pays Honduran tax paid homage with all honors to recently dead Honduran military dictator Oswaldo López Arellano, who kept the country for almost 20 years under military rule, as if he had been a legitimate president

-Pepe Lobo government laments the death of Honduran dictator who executed two coups d'état:

-Presidential Palace prepares STATE homeage to Ex Honduran Dictator:

-López Arellano remained in power through two coups d'état and if the government of  Porfirio Lobo praises such a perverse character in the History of Honduras, who we owe a great deal of the country's misery, what can we expect from him? Clinging to power for the next 25 years to "save" the country from "communism" and "to protect the Constitution" if his government finds such a man respectable and honorable? 

López Arellano should have paid in life, in jail, for his crimes, but in a country like Honduras, this is impossible, instead the "democratically" elected President, example of "reconciliation and union of society" pays a  STATE homage to a military dictator whose fate should have been like that one of Pinochet, Videla, Stroessner, Fujimori and many other Latin American dictators. The historic memory of Hondurans is nonexistent and amnesia, revisionism is the rule of the day. According to some Hondurans posting comments in the pro coup newspapers: López Arellano was an honest man and during his time, there was no corruption.

I guess the Bananagate Scandal doesn't count as corruption, like many other atrocious things he and his cronies did.

Dictators are Democrats, War is peace, Corrupts are Honest Men, Ignorance is Strength, Freedom is Slavery

Embarrassing agreement of mourning for Coup Dictator | Monday May 17 2010 1:08

Photo: El Heraldo


The spurious leader of the continuation of the coup, Pepe Lobo, issued an agreement, decreeing three days of mourning and lamenting the death of the sinister coup plotter of the 60s and 70s of last century, Oswaldo López Arellano (OLA). Not satisfied with this, they stain our  sacred national flag lifting it  at half mast and putting it on his coffin, as seen in the photograph.
The intention is to exalt his misdeeds and forget his disastrous involvement in the  Bananagate scandal, where he along with the criminal Abraham Bennaton Ramos, Minister of Economy  in 1973, received a hefty bribe from banana companies to evade national taxes . The spoils were deposited in Swiss banks and to date there is no report of investigations.
The Presidency agreed on  the funeral honors from its own investiture.
The following  is the agreement:
Presidential House
Honduras, CA
  Considering that on Sunday, May 16, 2010, in the city of Tegucigalpa, Central District,General, Don Oswaldo López Arellano, former President of the Republic gave his soul to the Divine Redeemer,
Considering: That the death of General Oswaldo López Arellano Don constitutes an irreparable loss to the Honduran society and his distinguished family.
Considering: That it is the duty of the State of Honduras, to recognize the valuable services rendered by the deceased General López Arellano.
Considering: That while alive, the  General  held the highest office within the Executive Branch of the Nation.
First: To deeply regret such sensible decease.
Second: To pay the State honors.
Third: To declare three days of mourning, no suspension of work and raise the national flag at half mast in all public offices in his memory, and
Fourth: To publish this Mourning Agreement and deliver it to the grieving family, giving dissemination through appropriate media.
Given in the city of Tegucigalpa, Central District, on the 16th day of May 2010


Who was Oswaldo López Arellano?
 Some facts about  Oswaldo Lopez Arellano 

  by Gustavo Zelaya
As we know today a character  died  who in the last 30 years was very discreet but it was well known by  many today who comb their own gray hair. Executor of two military coups, he participated in another one  and many other sinister actions that leave dark stains on several pages of recent history. These are some merits of the Master of the backyard coup plotters, Oswaldo López Arellano (OLA):
- He participated in the 1957 coup against Julio Lozano Díaz, an event that showed at least two immediate effects: the second-degree election of  Ramon Villeda Morales as President of the Republic and the autonomy of the armed forces, who ever since became the "guarantors" of the constitution and democracy. OLA(Oswaldo López Arellano) at that time did not appear as the first actor of the national disaster, but he  was already backstage,  hand in hand with   Ricardo Zuniga and the U.S. embassy.
  - As head of the armed forces he carried out the coup on October 3 against Villeda Morales, in fact it was about obstructing the presidential candidacy of Modesto Rodas Alvarado.  Days before the coup President Villeda ordered to disarm the civil guard, which was a  police force that had a chance to resist the coup, it caused the deaths of thousands of members of the Guard and many Hondurans who tried to take up arms against the bloody coup. The coup-makers at the time, like now,  said we had to stop the advance of communism.
In 1964 at a house in  Barrio Morazán meetings of OLA took place  with Roberto Suazo Cordova and Ricardo Zuniga Agustinus, to legalize Oswaldo Lopez through the convocation of a Constituent Assembly, agreed on a new constitution, and OLA was "elected" National Party candidate, president of the republic in 1965. Cachurecos(National Party members) and liberals(Liberal Party members), despite the redundancy, scrambled together dealing out positions among themselves and the national budget as they  have normally done.  The three previously named have been partners and accomplices in  many of  assaults that  have occurred in the country.
- Oswaldo Lopez as president and commander of the armed forces allowed and actively participated in corrupt ion practices, which among other things, led to the existence of ghosts batallions in the army  and commanders who were paid full schedules. One of them was Colonel Arnaldo Alvarado.
-OLA in 1969 along with the Salvadoran oligarchy pulled out of his sleeve the football war, which was when the military became members of the "Glorious" armed forces, the national embarrassment when battalions appear in complete payroll  and empty barracks, confronted by organized civilians in charge of feeding them and supplying them with the means to contain the Salvadoran military. In 1971 he handed over power to Cachureco(National Party member) Ramon Ernesto Cruz, with the complicity of liberal Congressman and chairman of the National Congress Roberto Suazo Cordova that sabotaged his party's candidate Jorge Bueso Arias,  who is now a confessed coup supporter.
- In December 1972, to avoid boredom and stay within his customs, Oswaldo Lopez leads a coup against Ramon Ernesto Cruz. He tried to perform some social and economic reforms that lead to "natural" effects in the national oligarchy such as the assault of the National Investment Corporation(CONADI) and the boycott of COHDEFOR and hence appear the  ill-gotten fortunes of Miguel Facusse, the current Aguán executioner, and others like Emin Barjun, Salvador Lamas and the like, and the most publicized scandal during that time known as Bananagate.
- In 1974, the head of state Oswaldo Lopez Arellano and his economy minister Abraham Ramos Bennaton are sprinkled directly by the banana bribery of the US American multinational corporation Standard Fruit Company, the issue is so recognized that they renounced from their posts. They were never prosecuted or imprisoned. When he retired from public political life Oswaldo López Arellano became one of the richest men in Honduras, farmer, rancher, owner of airlines, partner of Emisoras Unidas (radio station broadcasting network), FICENSA, Bamer, Alcon, maintaining an image of a good-natured and friendly man, who with a  single "shot" resolves conflicts. Besides being the political godfather of individuals like Rafael Leonardo Callejas and Mario Lopez Rivera's children, he might  be the model for subjects such as "black goat "and "garlic head" alias Carlos Flores and Micheletti respectively.
 Picture of the Monarch (by TIEMPO) while he was still alive
- Since 1974 to 2010, these two characters became emblematic figures of the Honduran private sector, respected citizens who have given speeches, lectures and tips on how to behave within the world of finance and investment. There are official schools that bare the names of these individuals bribed by the U.S. company.Ola's remains will be laid to rest in a spacious burial in order to receive the homage that is going to be paid by the government on behalf of the State of Honduras, with speeches referring to the occasion, dressed in strict black suits, with cannons, and many etceteras.  They will not feel any embarrassment and everyone will want to appear in the pictures.
 May 16, 2010

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