Terrorist actions in Tegucigalpa(Voselsoberano)
Domingo 13 de Septiembre de 2009 15:27 Sunday 13 September 2009 15:27
Tegucigalpa. Journalists Channel 36 report at this time (6:30 am) on Saturday September 12 that again have been victims of an attack aimed at silencing the voice of this means of communication that keeps in resistance against the coup plotters.
In the early hours of this day apparently a paramilitary group with strong ties to the Mayor of Tegucigalpa, Ricardo Alvarez, have thrown a tear gas canister against the facilities of Channel 36.
Este nuevo atentado se agrega a los que destruyeron el 23 de agosto pasado los transmisores del Canal mientras cubría el Concierto "Voces contra el golpe" que se celebró en los predios de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras (UNAH). This new attack is added to those that destroyed Aug. 23 Canal transmitters while covering the concert "Voices against the coup" which was held on the campus of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras (UNAH).
The Mayor of the capital, Ricardo Alvarez, was noted repeatedly to direct night bands dedicated to terrorize the capital in shares then they want these actions to be attributed to resistance members.
Pints against members of the constitutional government of Manuel Zelaya Rosales, fires in the capital markets and bombings of public facilities are a number of facts that are attributed to Ricardo Alvarez
Alvarez was once a militant paramilitary group United Front of Democratic University (FUUD) which was in the 1980s with the support of General Gustavo Alvarez Martinez to storm the national university and repressing workers, teachers and students.
Apparently this paramilitary group attributed the general name for a terrorist action in the capital of Honduras. (EMC) (EMC)
In the early hours of this day apparently a paramilitary group with strong ties to the Mayor of Tegucigalpa, Ricardo Alvarez, have thrown a tear gas canister against the facilities of Channel 36.
Este nuevo atentado se agrega a los que destruyeron el 23 de agosto pasado los transmisores del Canal mientras cubría el Concierto "Voces contra el golpe" que se celebró en los predios de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras (UNAH). This new attack is added to those that destroyed Aug. 23 Canal transmitters while covering the concert "Voices against the coup" which was held on the campus of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras (UNAH).
The Mayor of the capital, Ricardo Alvarez, was noted repeatedly to direct night bands dedicated to terrorize the capital in shares then they want these actions to be attributed to resistance members.
Pints against members of the constitutional government of Manuel Zelaya Rosales, fires in the capital markets and bombings of public facilities are a number of facts that are attributed to Ricardo Alvarez
Alvarez was once a militant paramilitary group United Front of Democratic University (FUUD) which was in the 1980s with the support of General Gustavo Alvarez Martinez to storm the national university and repressing workers, teachers and students.
Apparently this paramilitary group attributed the general name for a terrorist action in the capital of Honduras. (EMC) (EMC)
underground right group responsible of placement of a bomb on tv channel
Domingo 13 de Septiembre de 2009 10:16 Sunday September 13, 2009 10:16
La Casa Blanca suspende visa al presidente de facto de Honduras The White House suspended visa de facto President of Honduras
Se atribuye grupo clandestino de derecha la colocación de una bomba en canal de tv It attaches right group of underground placement of a bomb on tv channel
Foto Photo
Una niña golpea en Tegucigalpa una piñata que representa al cardenal Óscar Andrés Rodríguez, jerarca católico hondureño que hace algún tiempo hizo público su apoyo al presidente de facto Roberto MichelettiFoto Ap A girl hits a piñata representing Tegucigalpa Cardinal Oscar Andrés Rodríguez, the Honduran Catholic hierarch that some time ago made public his support for President de facto Roberto MichelettiFoto Ap
Notimex, Pl y Reuters Notimex and Reuters Pl
Tegucigalpa, 12 de septiembre. Tegucigalpa, 12 September. Un presunto grupo clandestino de derecha se adjudicó hoy en Honduras la colocación de una bomba lacrimógena que estalló en el canal 36 de la television local, que junto con el diario El Tiempo y la radiodifusora Globo mantienen la cobertura informativa de los hondureños que reclaman el restablecimiento del orden constitucional y denuncian al gobierno de facto. A suspected right-wing underground group in Honduras was awarded today the placement of a tear gas bomb exploded in the Channel 36 local television, which along with the daily El Tiempo and broadcaster Globo maintain coverage of the Hondurans who demand the restoration constitutional order and denounced the de facto government.
El grupo autodenominado Comando Central del Frente Armado Nacional General Álvarez Martínez” dejó en las instalaciones de la emisora varias hojas volantes en las que señaló que "a raíz de los últimos acontecimientos patrióticos se ha decidido integrar este frente armado de lucha anticomunista para defender nuesta patria". The group calling itself the Front Central Command Navy General Alvarez Martinez "left on the premises of the station several flyers in which noted that" following recent developments patriotic has decided to integrate the armed struggle against anti nuest defending homeland .
"El mejor zelayista es el zelayista muerto", señaló en otro de sus párrafos la primera proclama pública de esta organización de la extrema derecha, que se autoproclamó defensor del país en contra "de quienes quieren convertirlo en un reducto del totalitarismo zelayista, chavista y castrista". "The best zelaya Zelaya is the dead," said another of its paragraphs the first public announcement of this organization on the far right, who proclaimed defender of the country against "those who want to turn it into a bastion of totalitarianism Zelaya and Chávez Castro ".
Gustavo Álvarez Martínez fue jefe de las fuerzas armadas hondureñas de mayo de 1982 a mayo de 1984, durante el gobierno del presidente Roberto Suazo Córdova, general que se caracterizó por la protección a las fuerzas contrarrevolucionarias de Nicaragua, financiadas por el gobierno de Estados Unidos, así como por la presión a las agrupaciones hondureñas que se oponían a las actividades contra el Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional nicaragüense. Gustavo Alvarez Martinez was head of the Honduran armed forces in May 1982 to May 1984 during the administration of President Roberto Suazo Cordova, which was characterized by general protection to the counterrevolutionary forces in Nicaragua, funded by the U.S. government, and by pressure groups who opposed Honduran activities against the Sandinista National Liberation Front of Nicaragua.
Se le atribuye a Álvarez Martínez la creación del escuadrón de la muerte 3-16 dentro de la institución castrense y ha sido señalada como responsable del secuestro y desaparición de 184 líderes populares en la década de 1980. He is credited with creating the Alvarez Martinez death squad 3-16 within the military and has been identified as responsible for the kidnapping and disappearance of 184 grassroots leaders in the 1980s.
Radio Globo y canal 36, que se han quejado de hostigamiento policial después del golpe de Estado del 28 de junio, han denunciado ante la opinión pública que en represalia por su apoyo al presidente constitucional Manuel Zelaya, las instituciones financieras Banco Ficohsa, Tigo y City Group han realizado acciones para asfixiarlos económicamente. Radio Globo and Channel 36, who have complained of police harassment after the coup of June 28, have complained to the public that in retaliation for its support of constitutional president Manuel Zelaya, Ficohsa bank financial institutions, Tigo and City Group have taken action to economic strangulation.
En el plano diplomático, este sábado se conoció la versión de que la Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU) decidió suspender la asistencia que tenía acordada para el proceso electoral de noviembre próximo en Honduras. At the diplomatic level, this Saturday is the version that met the United Nations Organization (UN) decided to suspend aid that was agreed for the upcoming November elections in Honduras.
El embajador hondureño ante la ONU, Jorge Arturo Reina, informó que la ayuda del organismo por medio de su Programa para el Desarrollo (PNUD) quedará anulada el próximo lunes, a consecuencia de las gestiones realizadas por países latinoamericanos, que también han promovido el desconocimiento de los comicios generales de este año. The Honduran ambassador to the UN, Jorge Arturo Reina, said body support through its Development Program (UNDP) will lapse on Monday, following the efforts of Latin American countries have also promoted the ignorance the general election this year.
El viernes por la noche, el gobernante de facto, Roberto Micheletti, confirmó que él es uno de los funcionarios hondureños a quienes el gobierno de Estados Unidos les suspendió el 28 de julio pasado la visa oficial (diplomática) y la de turista. On Friday night, the de facto ruler, Roberto Micheletti, confirmed that he is one of the Honduran officials whom the U.S. government were suspended last July 28 the official visa (diplomats) and the tourist.
El Departamento de Estado informó hace seis semanas que había dejado sin validez el visado de cuatro funcionarios del gobierno golpista, pero sólo se conocieron los nombres del presidente del Congreso, José Alfredo Saavedra, y del vicepresidente de la Corte Suprema de Justicia, Tomás Arita. The State Department reported that six weeks ago had left without valid visa, four officials of the coup government, but only knew the names of the Congress president, Jose Alfredo Saavedra and Vice President of the Supreme Court, Thomas Arita.
En total son 12 los miembros de los poderes Ejecutivo, Judicial y Legislativo a los que se les impedirá el paso a Estados Unidos, confirmó la oficina de Micheletti. In total there are 12 members of the executive, judiciary and legislature to which they prevent the entering into the United States, Micheletti's office confirmed.
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Notimex, Pl y Reuters Notimex and Reuters Pl
Tegucigalpa, 12 de septiembre. Tegucigalpa, 12 September. A suspected right-wing underground group in Honduras was awarded today the placement of a tear gas bomb exploded in the Channel 36 local television, which along with the daily El Tiempo and broadcaster Globo maintain coverage of the Hondurans who demand the restoration constitutional order and denounced the de facto government.
The group calling itself the Front Central Command Navy General Alvarez Martinez "left on the premises of the station several flyers in which statedthat" following recent developments patriotic has decided to integrate the armed struggle against anti nuest defending homeland .

sA girl hits a piñata representing Tegucigalpas Cardinal Oscar Andres
Rodríguez, jerarca católico hondureño que hace algún tiempo hizo público su apoyo al presidente. Rodriguez, Honduran Catholic hierarch that some time ago made public his support for President.
Foto Ap Ap Photo
"The best Zelayist is the dead Zelayist," said another of its paragraphs the first public announcement of this organization on the far right, who proclaimed itself defender of the country against "those who want to turn it into a bastion of totalitarianism Zelaya and Chávez Castro ".
Gustavo Alvarez Martinez was head of the Honduran armed forces in May 1982 to May 1984 during the administration of President Roberto Suazo Cordova, which was characterized by general protection to the counterrevolutionary forces in Nicaragua, funded by the U.S. government, and by pressure groups who opposed Honduran activities against the Sandinista National Liberation Front of Nicaragua.
He is credited with creating the Alvarez Martinez death squad 3-16 within the military and has been identified as responsible for the kidnapping and disappearance of 184 grassroots leaders in the 1980s.
Radio Globo and Channel 36, who have complained of police harassment after the coup of June 28, have complained to the public that in retaliation for its support of constitutional president Manuel Zelaya, Ficohsa bank financial institutions, Tigo and City Group have taken action to economic strangulation.
. At the diplomatic level, this Saturday is the version that met the United Nations Organization (UN) decided to suspend aid that was agreed for the upcoming November elections in Honduras.
The Honduran ambassador to the UN, Jorge Arturo Reina, said organisation support through its Development Program (UNDP) will lapse on Monday, following the efforts of Latin American countries have also promoted the ignorance the general election this year.
. On Friday night, the de facto ruler, Roberto Micheletti, confirmed that he is one of the Honduran officials whom the U.S. government were suspended last July 28 the official visa (diplomats) and the tourist.
The State Department reported that six weeks ago had left without valid visa, four officials of the coup government, but only knew the names of the Congress president, Jose Alfredo Saavedra and Vice President of the Supreme Court, Thomas Arita.
In total there are 12 members of the executive, judiciary and legislature to which they prevent the entering into the United States, Micheletti's office confirmed.
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