Los que mueren por la vida no pueden llamarse muertos...
Wendy Elizabeth Ávila killed by Military
Honduras Suspends Civil Rights and Bans Protests
By Andres R. Martinez and Blake SchmidtSept. 28 (Bloomberg) Supporters of Zelaya held a funeral for the woman, Wendy Avila, at labor union offices that have been the headquarters for protest organizers, according to protest leader Anarella Velez. Velez will file charges against police over the death, she said.
Para que los sobrevivientes recuerden la belleza rebelde cada 28 de junio, día del golpe de estado, y cada 26 de septiembre, el día que se nos adelantó. Que su morada se llene de flores en cada aniversario de su partida, que se conmemore en esas fecha el día de la mujer joven y rebelde. Que su bandera encuentren otras manos, muchas manos. Que su alegría contagie todas nuestras marchas. Gracias Wendy Elizabeth, muchas gracias por tu vida, entregada por las causas de nuestro pueblo.
nephew of the owner of Radio Globo, CA killed
Marco Antonio Canales Villatoro, nephew of the owner of the Honduran station Radio Globo, akin to the deposed president Manuel Zelaya, was killed Saturday in this capital, denounced supporters of the ousted president. Canales Villatoro, 40, was killed in an apparent attempt to steal a laptop, he left an evangelical church in the capital, by two men riding a motorcycle and shot him.
Canales Villatoro was taken to a hospital in this capital, where he died this afternoon in a statement by the National Front of Resistance Against the Coup.
el lunes pasado retornó a Honduras y permanece en la Embajada de Brasil. Canales was a nephew of Alejandror Villatoro , owner of Radio Globo, one of the media has covered the protests from the followers of Zelaya, who on Monday returned to Honduras and remains in the Brazilian embassy.
Radio Globo is the only station in Honduras that carries statements of toppled Zelaya, and proclamations of his followers.
The Front charged that alleged assailants were introduced last night at the home of Silvia Ayala, the Democratic Unification Party congressman and supporter of Zelaya.
Meanwhile, prominent journalist and photographer Esteban Melendez reported that last Wednesday in a march of Resistance Front, he was wounded by five shots with rubber bullets when soldiers captured him taking images of them acting against Zelaya.
Melendez said by telephone that as a result of injuries by rubber bullets, he's in bed with fever.
Washington, DC, September 25, 2009 – The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) strongly condemns the operation by agents of the Honduran de facto regime in the area of the Brazil Embassy in Tegucigalpa and urges to respect the human rights of the persons inside the diplomatic building, as well as its inviolability.
According to the information received, security forces of the de facto regime surrounded the Brazilian Embassy and threw unidentified toxic gases, causing intoxications, bleeding, vomiting and dizziness to the persons inside the diplomatic building. The information also indicates that since this operation started this morning, members of the Army have blocked the exit of any person from the Embassy and have prevented doctors from entering, including the International Red Cross.
The IACHR calls urgently on the de facto regime to immediately end this operation and to adopt all necessary measures to guarantee the rights to life, integrity and security of all persons inside the Embassy of Brazil and its surroundings. Moreover, the IACHR urges the de facto authorities to guarantee that doctors are able to enter and provide urgent assistance to the affected persons.
A principal, autonomous body of the Organization of American States (OAS), the IACHR derives its mandate from the OAS Charter and the American Convention on Human Rights. The Inter-American Commission has the mandate to promote respect for human rights in the region and acts as a consultative body to the OAS in this matter. The Commission is composed of seven independent members who act in a personal capacity, without representing a particular country, and who are elected by the OAS General Assembly
Canales Villatoro was taken to a hospital in this capital, where he died this afternoon in a statement by the National Front of Resistance Against the Coup.
el lunes pasado retornó a Honduras y permanece en la Embajada de Brasil. Canales was a nephew of Alejandror Villatoro , owner of Radio Globo, one of the media has covered the protests from the followers of Zelaya, who on Monday returned to Honduras and remains in the Brazilian embassy.
Radio Globo is the only station in Honduras that carries statements of toppled Zelaya, and proclamations of his followers.
The Front charged that alleged assailants were introduced last night at the home of Silvia Ayala, the Democratic Unification Party congressman and supporter of Zelaya.
Meanwhile, prominent journalist and photographer Esteban Melendez reported that last Wednesday in a march of Resistance Front, he was wounded by five shots with rubber bullets when soldiers captured him taking images of them acting against Zelaya.
Melendez said by telephone that as a result of injuries by rubber bullets, he's in bed with fever.
Paramilitary raid home of Congresswoman Silvia Ayala
The home of the Deputy for the Democratic Unification Party (UD) and lawyer Silvia Ayala, who lives in the city of San Pedro Sula, was invaded this morning at 10:00, they took phones and laptops.
The assailants were wearing civilian clothes, but with signs that identified them as military, as are some brands of their body and hair cut.
Fortunately no damage was done to their physical integrity, but it was a daunting act for herself and her daughter.
The Democratic Unification Party has been part of the resistance against the coup from the beginning, Deputy Silvia Ayala was part of the negotiating team in San Jose, Costa Rica, also denounced the repression living forums held in Honduras in Mexico City City and Sao Paolo, Brazil.
This coincides with the suspicion that now the army and coup government has selected resistance movement leaders to intimidate and destroy.
The assailants were wearing civilian clothes, but with signs that identified them as military, as are some brands of their body and hair cut.
Fortunately no damage was done to their physical integrity, but it was a daunting act for herself and her daughter.
The Democratic Unification Party has been part of the resistance against the coup from the beginning, Deputy Silvia Ayala was part of the negotiating team in San Jose, Costa Rica, also denounced the repression living forums held in Honduras in Mexico City City and Sao Paolo, Brazil.
This coincides with the suspicion that now the army and coup government has selected resistance movement leaders to intimidate and destroy.
They threaten to kill director of Radio Progreso
El Progreso, Honduras (OCLACC).- El Progreso, Honduras (OCLACC) .-
El director de Radio Progreso, Padre Ismael Moreno SJ, denunció haber recibido amenazas de muerte a través de mensajes de texto que llegaron a los teléfonos móviles del personal de la radioemisora. The director of Radio Progress, Father Ismael Moreno SJ, reported receiving death threats through text messages to mobile phones arrived the staff of the radio station. “En dichos mensajes dicen que están ofreciendo medio millón de lempiras por la cabeza del Padre Melo”, dijo el sacerdote, en una entrevista concedida a ALER. "In those messages say they are offering half a million lempiras the head of Father Melo" the priest said in an interview with ALER.
Según agregó, no está en posibilidades de determinar si ello responde solo a una broma que alguien quiere hacer o lo que se pretende es crear “un ambiente psicológico adverso, pero en el contexto que vivimos de graves amenazas a la libertad de expresión, a los medios de comunicación ya todas aquellas personas que están opuestos al régimen de facto, en este momento en que todo está controlado, creo que hay que tomarlo en serio este tipo de mensajes”, alertó el director de la radio católica El Progreso. According added, is not possible to determine if this would be just a joke that someone wants to do or what is intended is to create "an adverse psychological environment, but we live in the context of serious threats to freedom of expression, the media and all those who are opposed to the de facto regime, at this moment everything is under control, I think we should take it seriously this type of message, "warned the head of the Catholic Radio Progreso.
Adicionalmente denunció que hay “indicios confirmados de que hay agentes de la policía de investigación en los alrededores de Radio Progreso, concretamente entre seis u ocho policías, a más de que llegó la información de que lo que estarían analizando la zona para ver por dónde podrían ingresar a la emisora o vías de escape con la finalidad de culminar con un operativo que tuviera que ver con el cierre de la radio, de una manera fuerte y violenta”. In addition alleged that there are "indications are confirmed that police investigation in the vicinity of Radio Progreso, namely between six to eight police officers, most of which got the information that they would be examining the area to see where I could enter the station or escape routes in order to culminate in an operation that had to do with the closure of radio, a loud and violent. "
El Padre Ismael Moreno agregó que se teme que las observaciones de la policía “estaría vinculado con ver cómo podrían impedir que pudieran salir los miembros del equipo de la radio que estuvieran ahí, porque estarían tratando de hacer un ataque feroz no solo a las instalaciones sino también a las personas que estén ahí en la radio”. Father Ismael Moreno said there are fears that the comments of the police "would be bound to see how they could prevent that would leave the team on the radio that they were there, they would be trying to make a fierce attack not only the facilities but also people who are there on the radio. "
Para el director de la radioemisora, los responsables de estas amenazas tendrían que ver las personas “del sector que está rodeando al equipo del presidente de facto, Roberto Micheletti. For the director of the radio, those responsible for these threats would have to see people "in the sector that is surrounding the team's de facto president, Roberto Micheletti. Nosotros responsabilizamos a este gobierno que está muy acorralado en un cerco que tiene una sola salida que es el retorno a la constitucionalidad tan pronto como sea posible para evitar que haya un descalabro mayor”, subrayó. We take responsibility in this government that is very backed into a fence that has a single output which is the return to constitutional government as soon as possible to avoid a greater calamity, "he said.
Finalmente, agradeció todas las expresiones de solidaridad que está recibiendo la radioemisora, tanto de sacerdotes, laicos y de la Diócesis de Copán, así como de organizaciones y redes de comunicación de exterior. She thanked all the expressions of solidarity that is receiving the radio, both priests and laity of the Diocese of Copán, as well as organizations and external communication networks. “nosotros seguiremos transmitiendo la programación sin ninguna variación, con el mismo estilo y los contenidos. "We will continue to broadcast programming without variation, in the same style and content. En estas circunstancias, la divulgación de la información de todo cuanto ocurre es nuestra mejor protección”, aseguró. In these circumstances, the disclosure of everything that happens is our best protection, "he said.
Según agregó, no está en posibilidades de determinar si ello responde solo a una broma que alguien quiere hacer o lo que se pretende es crear “un ambiente psicológico adverso, pero en el contexto que vivimos de graves amenazas a la libertad de expresión, a los medios de comunicación ya todas aquellas personas que están opuestos al régimen de facto, en este momento en que todo está controlado, creo que hay que tomarlo en serio este tipo de mensajes”, alertó el director de la radio católica El Progreso. According added, is not possible to determine if this would be just a joke that someone wants to do or what is intended is to create "an adverse psychological environment, but we live in the context of serious threats to freedom of expression, the media and all those who are opposed to the de facto regime, at this moment everything is under control, I think we should take it seriously this type of message, "warned the head of the Catholic Radio Progreso.
Adicionalmente denunció que hay “indicios confirmados de que hay agentes de la policía de investigación en los alrededores de Radio Progreso, concretamente entre seis u ocho policías, a más de que llegó la información de que lo que estarían analizando la zona para ver por dónde podrían ingresar a la emisora o vías de escape con la finalidad de culminar con un operativo que tuviera que ver con el cierre de la radio, de una manera fuerte y violenta”. In addition alleged that there are "indications are confirmed that police investigation in the vicinity of Radio Progreso, namely between six to eight police officers, most of which got the information that they would be examining the area to see where I could enter the station or escape routes in order to culminate in an operation that had to do with the closure of radio, a loud and violent. "
El Padre Ismael Moreno agregó que se teme que las observaciones de la policía “estaría vinculado con ver cómo podrían impedir que pudieran salir los miembros del equipo de la radio que estuvieran ahí, porque estarían tratando de hacer un ataque feroz no solo a las instalaciones sino también a las personas que estén ahí en la radio”. Father Ismael Moreno said there are fears that the comments of the police "would be bound to see how they could prevent that would leave the team on the radio that they were there, they would be trying to make a fierce attack not only the facilities but also people who are there on the radio. "
Para el director de la radioemisora, los responsables de estas amenazas tendrían que ver las personas “del sector que está rodeando al equipo del presidente de facto, Roberto Micheletti. For the director of the radio, those responsible for these threats would have to see people "in the sector that is surrounding the team's de facto president, Roberto Micheletti. Nosotros responsabilizamos a este gobierno que está muy acorralado en un cerco que tiene una sola salida que es el retorno a la constitucionalidad tan pronto como sea posible para evitar que haya un descalabro mayor”, subrayó. We take responsibility in this government that is very backed into a fence that has a single output which is the return to constitutional government as soon as possible to avoid a greater calamity, "he said.
Finalmente, agradeció todas las expresiones de solidaridad que está recibiendo la radioemisora, tanto de sacerdotes, laicos y de la Diócesis de Copán, así como de organizaciones y redes de comunicación de exterior. She thanked all the expressions of solidarity that is receiving the radio, both priests and laity of the Diocese of Copán, as well as organizations and external communication networks. “nosotros seguiremos transmitiendo la programación sin ninguna variación, con el mismo estilo y los contenidos. "We will continue to broadcast programming without variation, in the same style and content. En estas circunstancias, la divulgación de la información de todo cuanto ocurre es nuestra mejor protección”, aseguró. In these circumstances, the disclosure of everything that happens is our best protection, "he said.
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights statement on Embassy siege
According to the information received, security forces of the de facto regime surrounded the Brazilian Embassy and threw unidentified toxic gases, causing intoxications, bleeding, vomiting and dizziness to the persons inside the diplomatic building. The information also indicates that since this operation started this morning, members of the Army have blocked the exit of any person from the Embassy and have prevented doctors from entering, including the International Red Cross.
The IACHR calls urgently on the de facto regime to immediately end this operation and to adopt all necessary measures to guarantee the rights to life, integrity and security of all persons inside the Embassy of Brazil and its surroundings. Moreover, the IACHR urges the de facto authorities to guarantee that doctors are able to enter and provide urgent assistance to the affected persons.
A principal, autonomous body of the Organization of American States (OAS), the IACHR derives its mandate from the OAS Charter and the American Convention on Human Rights. The Inter-American Commission has the mandate to promote respect for human rights in the region and acts as a consultative body to the OAS in this matter. The Commission is composed of seven independent members who act in a personal capacity, without representing a particular country, and who are elected by the OAS General Assembly
Defacto Government impeded access to the Red Cross
. Manuel Zelaya sees the impact of protests by his supporters to demand his reinstatement to the Government. AP
Zelaya denounced the de facto government launched poison gas against the embassy
Speaking to Venezuelan state television, a delegate said that they were denied admission to the Brazilian embassy
CARACAS, VENEZUELA.- A delegate from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), denounced Venezuelan television that he was denied entry into the Brazilian Embassy in Honduras to a group of doctors who tried to respond to alleged victims of toxic gases .
"I did manage to enter the embassy, but am not a doctor and I don't have the ability or training" required in these cases and "unfortunately it was not possible for the medical personnel to enter" who accompanied him, said Christoph Kleber, identified by the VTV station network Venezuelan state television as the ICRC's regional delegate.
"I did manage to enter the embassy, but am not a doctor and I don't have the ability or training" required in these cases and "unfortunately it was not possible for the medical personnel to enter" who accompanied him, said Christoph Kleber, identified by the VTV station network Venezuelan state television as the ICRC's regional delegate.
The deposed President of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, a person who said he was affected, as well as his foreign minister, Patricia Rodas, denounced the de facto authorities of that country launched "poison gas" against the Brazilian embassy.
Sources loyal military intelligence Zelaya said" We have been filtered by chemicals and siege weapons , which have been provided by the companies Intercom and Alfacom", Rodas said during a press conference in New York.
At the embassy in Tegucigalpa, where he is with family and a group of followers since Monday, Zelaya denounced in turn the release of toxic gases, "which de facto government representatives branded as "totally false ".
Sources loyal military intelligence Zelaya said" We have been filtered by chemicals and siege weapons , which have been provided by the companies Intercom and Alfacom", Rodas said during a press conference in New York.
At the embassy in Tegucigalpa, where he is with family and a group of followers since Monday, Zelaya denounced in turn the release of toxic gases, "which de facto government representatives branded as "totally false ".
the Venezuelan channel interviewed the Red Cross delegate, Mauricio Castellanos, public health specialist, who managed to take samples identified a concentration of "cyanide to another component.
Manuel Zelaya is in good health despite the supposed poison gas attack against the Embassy of Brazil where he is a refugee.
The Brazilian government made a few hours, a temporary replacement of staff in its embassy, where the host is ousted leader Manuel Zelaya Rosales and a group of his followers. From Washington, where he was assigned as minister-counselor, Paula Pupo Lineu arrived to take charge of the embassy for a couple of days to replace Francisco Catunda, charge d'affaires at the embassy that was from last Monday without leaving the seat diplomacy that is in the eyes of the world. Catunda left with his assistant, also Brazilian, Joseph Wilson, reaffirming his country only continues to recognize as constitutional President Zelaya Rosales of Honduras and not Roberto Micheletti. The diplomat claimed that have faced a series of impediments and obstacles imposed by those in power and in particular by the military and police guarding the embassy. On the permanence of Zelaya Rosales in his embassy, Catunda said "we do not engage in actions that have the people within the embassy, Mr Zelaya is our official host, but I'm not aware of what they do and their contacts, we are not interested. " He added that "our action is to give assistance and logistics, treat them with courtesy." He recalled that the President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva told President Zelaya Rosales he could stay in the embassy the time he wants. The diplomat revealed that he had trouble getting out of the embassy. "You already saw how much paperwork, checks and anything else for me as charge d'affaires in Brazil may yet come to my house. This will prove that the situation is not easy, "said Catunda reporters who interviewed him. THEY DID throw GASES The Brazilian diplomat confirmed that his assistant felt the effects of toxic gas last Friday when Zelaya Rosales denounced the act and blamed the police and military. TeleSUR complaints further aggression against its news team in Honduras![]() TeleSUR TeleSUR The Brazilian embassy in Honduras, where the President Zelaya and a team of professionals from teleSUR is, among others, has been the focus of toxic gases and military torture, which have affected not only the president who was overthrown by military coup, but also the staff of the international channel at the scene, which only comply with its duty to inform. The multistate teleSUR, through a statement released Friday, reported several attacks carried out by the de facto regime towards the journalistic staff reports from the Brazilian Embassy in Tegucigalpa, where he is since last Monday, the legitimate president, Manuel Zelaya. Following is the full text: Press TELESUR complaint to the world public opinion that: The practice of journalism and the right to freedom of information has again been violated by the de facto government of Honduras to release toxic gas bombs at the Brazilian Embassy in Tegucigalpa. The team of this multi-communication that is transmitted from the embassy has been affected by the substance. With concern for the health and integrity of Telesur staff and colleagues of different media that is inside the embassy denouncing these facts. This action is in addition to other practices of psychological harassment and physical with advanced technology have been used against the embassy. Despite this new harassment of our work, Telesur reaffirms its commitment to reporting transparency and truthfulness with the reality that has been living the Latin American people. Ciudad de Caracas, Septiembre 25 de 2009 Caracas, September 25, 2009 Fuente: http://telesurtv.net/noticias/secciones/no Source: http://telesurtv.net/noticias/secciones/no ta/58355-NN/telesur-denuncia-nuevas-agresiones-contra-su-equipo-periodistico-en-honduras ta/58355-NN/telesur-denuncia-nuevas-agresiones-contra-su-equipo-periodistico-en-honduras |
Below is a statement on politicial prisoners from Civil Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of HondurasPUBLIC DENUNCIATION
Before national and international public opinion, the media, human rights organizations and the Honduran people,
1.- That since the 28th of June in Honduraswe are living through a state of continuous and systematic violation of the human rights of people throughout the national territory
2.- That these practices of violation, repression and brutality used by the coup dictatorial regime have assaulted the physical and psychological well-being and multiple rights of the population which has led to a large quantity of people killed and wounded.
3.- In this context there have been detentions and false accusations against citizens and foreign citizens in order to discredit people who have no relation with criminal practices.
4.-In this moment the following citizens:
have become political prisoners of the dictatorial regime impossed by Roberto Micheletti Bain and the authorities following his illegal command. These people were initially taken to several illegal detention centers and besides being brutally beaten have been accused amongst other things of sedition, a political crime established in the national national laws. There is no type of reliable evidence that sustains this accusation.
We denounce, once again, the persecution and aggression carried out against the Honduran people by the dictatorial regime through its repressive bodies.
We demand before national and international opinion and its relevant organizations the immediate denunciation and action in favor of life, freedom and security of these persons and the people in general.
Tegucigalpa, 24th of September, 2009.
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