Fired tear gas to Channel 36
Enviado por Sarahí Flores el Sáb, 12/09/2009 - 12:01pm. Submitted by Sarahi Flores on Sat, 12/09/2009 - 12:01 p.m..

La bomba lacrimógena explotó a eso de las 4:22 de la mañana The tear gas bomb exploded at about 4:22 am

La bomba explotó en el estacionamiento de la empresa sin causar daños materiales The bomb exploded in the parking lot of the company without causing damage

La bomba lacrimógena explotó a eso de las 4:22 de la mañana The tear gas bomb exploded at about 4:22 am

La bomba explotó en el estacionamiento de la empresa sin causar daños materiales The bomb exploded in the parking lot of the company without causing damage
*** The attack came within hours of the morning, when two assailants hurled a tear gas bomb exploded without damage or personal blame.
statement that "the best Zelayista. Is the dead Zelayista”.
The owner and director of Channel 36 newscasts, Edras Amado Lopez, denounced the action for allegedly intimidating organized group, which left a statement they point intimidating measures against groups supporting the return of former President Manuel Zelaya.
The tear gas bomb exploded at about 4:22 am, according to a video camera picked up the company, which notes the time when the strangers on board a motorbike threw the explosive device that is used by the national police to deter protesters.
The Channel 36, also known as South Cholusat is one of the media opposed the regime of president Roberto Micheletti transition following the removal of President Zelaya, so the attack is linked to the repressive measures which would be subject its owner and used by the current government.
The bomb exploded in the parking lot of the company without cause property damage and by the denunciation of the journalist Lopez, attached a "handout" or documents to a supposed "national armed front General Alvarez Martinez."
In the text of the document left at the crime scene, described the reasons for it and warn that "the best Zelayista, is the dead Zelayista" in an overt intimidation to the medium, which criticizes the current government.
Similarly, the document details measures will be taken to pressure the leftist sectors are promoting the destabilization of the country with support from the governments of Hugo Chávez of Venezuela and Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua.
Lopez told the press condemned the action as "cowardly" by the people who promoted it and through continuous programming, said he will not change his ideological stance and will continuecondemning the regime of Micheletti. Hondudiario
Tegucigalpa, Honduras Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Strangers who were driving a motorbike threw a teargas bomb this morning in the facilities of Channel 36, an attack which is credited the so-called "national armed front General Alvarez Martínez, who warns in a statement that "the best Zelayista. Is the dead Zelayista”.
The owner and director of Channel 36 newscasts, Edras Amado Lopez, denounced the action for allegedly intimidating organized group, which left a statement they point intimidating measures against groups supporting the return of former President Manuel Zelaya.
The tear gas bomb exploded at about 4:22 am, according to a video camera picked up the company, which notes the time when the strangers on board a motorbike threw the explosive device that is used by the national police to deter protesters.
The Channel 36, also known as South Cholusat is one of the media opposed the regime of president Roberto Micheletti transition following the removal of President Zelaya, so the attack is linked to the repressive measures which would be subject its owner and used by the current government.
The bomb exploded in the parking lot of the company without cause property damage and by the denunciation of the journalist Lopez, attached a "handout" or documents to a supposed "national armed front General Alvarez Martinez."
In the text of the document left at the crime scene, described the reasons for it and warn that "the best Zelayista, is the dead Zelayista" in an overt intimidation to the medium, which criticizes the current government.
Similarly, the document details measures will be taken to pressure the leftist sectors are promoting the destabilization of the country with support from the governments of Hugo Chávez of Venezuela and Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua.
Lopez told the press condemned the action as "cowardly" by the people who promoted it and through continuous programming, said he will not change his ideological stance and will continuecondemning the regime of Micheletti. Hondudiario
Responses to the Coup d'etat in Honduras on Sunday June 28, with special emphasis on producing English-language versions of commentaries by Honduran scholars and editorial writers and addressing the confusion encouraged by lack of basic knowledge about Honduras.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
"The best Zelaya is a dead Zelaya"
Those of you who know something of the history of Honduras during the 1980s will remember Batallion 3-16, the death squad founded by General Gustavo Alvarez Martinez. It was responsible for more than 384 "disappearances"; and forensic anthropologists have excavated some of its clandestine cemetaries in abandoned military bases built by the US as part of the Contra war during the Reagan administration.
If you need a refresher, follow the link above. Among other things, it lists former members, several of whom form an official part of the Micheletti administration. I'll simply mention Nelson Willy Mejia (Immigration), Napoleón Nassar Herrera (chief negotiator for Minister of Security) and Billy Ferando Joya Améndola (advisor to Micheletti on security). In the interest of fairness, I'll note that some of these also had lower level posts in the Zelaya government (Nassar was chief of National Police in the northern region; Billy Joya was an advisor to the Security Minister). But the prominence of multiple members of Batallion 3-16 has been viewed with alarm by human rights activists since the coup, and the participation of such hard-liners may have contributed to the rapid move to violent suppression of the resistance by the de facto regime.
So it comes as no surprise that suddenly, today, we learn of a new far right commando group in Honduras which revealed itself through fliers left at the site of its first public act. The group, calling itself the "Commando Central del Frente Armado Nacional General Alvarez Martinez" claimed responsibility for setting off a tear gas grenade in the facilities of TV Channel 36, Cholusat Sur, the only TV channel that supports the return of Manuel Zelaya. After the tear gas cleared, staff at the station found several fliers with a short manifesto.
"Because of the latest patriotic events (the overthrow of Zelaya last June 28) we have decided to form this armed anticommunist front to defend our country."
The flier went on to state that they would defend the country from "anyone who wants to reduce it to the totalitarianism of Zelaya, Chavez, or Castro".
"The best Zelaya is a dead Zelaya," they wrote.
Only the National Police and the military have access to tear gas grenades.
The obvious conclusion: this was an intimidation attempt from the Batallion 3-16 crowd, named after their fearless founder.
If you need a refresher, follow the link above. Among other things, it lists former members, several of whom form an official part of the Micheletti administration. I'll simply mention Nelson Willy Mejia (Immigration), Napoleón Nassar Herrera (chief negotiator for Minister of Security) and Billy Ferando Joya Améndola (advisor to Micheletti on security). In the interest of fairness, I'll note that some of these also had lower level posts in the Zelaya government (Nassar was chief of National Police in the northern region; Billy Joya was an advisor to the Security Minister). But the prominence of multiple members of Batallion 3-16 has been viewed with alarm by human rights activists since the coup, and the participation of such hard-liners may have contributed to the rapid move to violent suppression of the resistance by the de facto regime.
So it comes as no surprise that suddenly, today, we learn of a new far right commando group in Honduras which revealed itself through fliers left at the site of its first public act. The group, calling itself the "Commando Central del Frente Armado Nacional General Alvarez Martinez" claimed responsibility for setting off a tear gas grenade in the facilities of TV Channel 36, Cholusat Sur, the only TV channel that supports the return of Manuel Zelaya. After the tear gas cleared, staff at the station found several fliers with a short manifesto.
"Because of the latest patriotic events (the overthrow of Zelaya last June 28) we have decided to form this armed anticommunist front to defend our country."
The flier went on to state that they would defend the country from "anyone who wants to reduce it to the totalitarianism of Zelaya, Chavez, or Castro".
"The best Zelaya is a dead Zelaya," they wrote.
Only the National Police and the military have access to tear gas grenades.
The obvious conclusion: this was an intimidation attempt from the Batallion 3-16 crowd, named after their fearless founder.
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