Monday, September 21, 2009

"The Jail Awaits Him": Micheletti

"The Jail Awaits Him": Micheletti

So says the de facto dictator in the coup-apologist paper, El Heraldo, barely an hour ago.

Update: Bloomberg reports Micheletti's response at more length; reporting him claiming that Zelaya is still in a hotel room in Nicaragua, and that the alleged return amounted to
media propaganda, terrorism.
As we now have photographs of Zelaya in the Brazilian embassy on the website of por-coup La Tribuna, this will be awkward for him to walk backwards.

Vasquez Velasquez WILL NOT call the Armed Forces into the streets

So reports the minute by minute ticker in El Heraldo at 12:15 our time.

Looks like the question of what the military will do is getting clearer, no?

On the negative side: reportedly the Air Force did a flyover on the Brazilian Embassy. How crazy is the de facto regime? how much do they believe their own we-can-go-it-alone rhetoric? How out of control is the military?

Zelaya, meanwhile, is quoted by La Prensa as calling on the Armed Forces not to repress the people.

Reporters say thousands of people are at the Brazilian embassy and Zelaya has appeared

We are waiting to hear him speak.

Rodolfo Pastor Fasquelle writes:
el pueblo sale a la calle, marcha a la embajada de Brazil, en el camino estan empezando a gritar y a tirar cohetes y petardos, llevan instrumentos musicales, va a hacer falta agua

the people are heading into the streets, marching to the Brazilian embassy, on the way they are beginning to yell and to set off rockets and fireworks, they are carrying musical instruments, there is going to be a lack of water
Zelaya is being broadcast on Radio Progreso, speaking by phone to the international press. He has explicitly denied trying to change the Constitution, clarifying that the June 28 survey was an encuesta. He has asked that the Armed Forces not turn their weapons on the people, but rather, on the enemies of the people.

When we caught his remarks, he was saying:
You can't be like a stone. You've got to be like a river.
The Zen of Zelaya?

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