Latin America wants the UN to monitor human rights in Honduras
jueves 17 de septiembre, 07:41 AM Thursday, September 17, 07:41 AM
GENEVA (AFP) - The countries of Latin America and the Caribbean Human Rights Council in Geneva, the UN proposed a mechanism of UN control over the human rights situation in Honduras, according to a draft resolution to the content AFP had access. "We want the resolution adopted by consensus and have already begun consultations with other regional groups for a group of UN experts, or the High Commissioner herself, Navanethem Pillay, implement monitoring mechanisms on human rights violations being committed in Honduras, "sa Latin American ambassador told AFP.
The text condemns the disproportionate use of force by the de facto government headed by Roberto Micheletti and violations of freedoms of expression and freedom of movement.
It also questions the attacks on journalists, judges and human rights advocates, insisting condemn the coup of June 28 that removed the constitutional president, José Manuel Zelaya.
One of the options provided by the document is to send to Honduras for a mission composed of UN special rapporteurs responsible for the independence of judges and magistrates, as well as human rights defenders.
Composed of 47 States elected by the UN General Assembly, according to an annually rotating regional distribution, the Council welcomes this year for Latin America and the Caribbean, Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Cuba, Chile, Mexico, Nicaragua and Uruguay.
In Mexico's initiative, supported by Argentina, the draft resolution has already won the support of other regional groups in Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe and Western countries.
The project should be adopted before the end of the current session of the Council on 2 October, according to diplomatic sources.
Recopilación de fotos y videos, Marchas del 15 de Septiembre
Miércoles 16 de Septiembre de 2009 21:06
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