Channel 11, Channel 36, Radio Globo, CableColor, and El Tiempo attacked
The de facto regime in Honduras believes in intimidation, and practices it daily against its critics. Ask Father Tamayo about it. If no one carried the message of the resistance, then their media shield would be intact, and only their messages would be broadcast.
Yesterday they made a move to take almost all of the resistance off the air. The public prosecutor, CONATEL, and hooded police invaded the facilities of Cable Color and Channel 11 in San Pedro Sula on Friday. The focus of their "investigation" was the internet service and satellite uplink service Cable Color provides to its subscribers, which includes the internet broadcasts of Channel 36 and Radio Globo, among others. They also challenged Cable Color's offering of VOIP service for international calling.
At the same time that the studios were being raided, the transmitter site of Channel 11 was also being raided, with the intent of stopping the satellite uplink. They were ordered to shut down their VOIP, internet, and satellite service.
The police wanted to confiscate their equipment. However, they left with only a few customer contracts to review. It seems the Frente de Resistencia was nearby, marching in the Torocagua zone, and surrounded the transmitter site, pelting the CONTATEL employees who were trying to disrupt the satellite uplink with bags of water. They also surrounded the studios of Channel 11 and Cable Color.
Channel 11 owns Cable Color, and Channel 11, in turn, is part of the Continental Group, owned by the Rosenthal family.
Channel 36 reported in their on-air news that the temporary suspensions of their broadcast signal in various parts of the country was because of interference with the satellite uplink that links them to their dispersed transmitters. Channel 36 blames pirates hired by the Micheletti government for the outages.
El Tiempo, yesterday, reported that electrical surges thursday night eventually fried the motor control panels on their printing press in San Pedro Sula, rendering them unable to publish for the first time since the 1980s. They indicated that initially ENEE, the electrical company, responded when a surge blew out fuses on their power feed to the building at 8:35 pm thursday night just as the press was preparing to start the run for Friday's paper. ENEE employees arrived about 20 minutes after being called and replaced the fuses on the power pole outside the printing plant. At 9 pm. just after the presses started printing the Friday edition, a bar fuse on another pole caught fire and began smoking. ENEE was again called, and this time refused to replace the smoking device claiming it was Tiempo's and they weren't authorized to replace it, and "maybe it would hold out; Tomorrow someone will have to change it." At midnight a call to ENEE was met with instructions to call the head of the company and get him to order a repair, or wait for it to be repaired on Friday. Finally a third call yielded a repair team who fixed the problem and restored power. At that point Tiempo found out that the partial outage due to the bar fuse problem had damaged the panels that controlled the motors on the printing press, ruining any chance of printing Friday's paper. You might think that this is just the typical bad electricity ENEE provides in Honduras, and that might be so, but this kind of electrical surge was a tactic used in the 1970s and 1980s to take out Tiempo's printing press during the military dictatorships. Tiempo considers it suspicious.
Two Honduran human rights organizations, Ciprodeh and CODEH, took statements and opened investigations into what happened at Cable Color and Channel 11.
Posted by rnsYesterday they made a move to take almost all of the resistance off the air. The public prosecutor, CONATEL, and hooded police invaded the facilities of Cable Color and Channel 11 in San Pedro Sula on Friday. The focus of their "investigation" was the internet service and satellite uplink service Cable Color provides to its subscribers, which includes the internet broadcasts of Channel 36 and Radio Globo, among others. They also challenged Cable Color's offering of VOIP service for international calling.
At the same time that the studios were being raided, the transmitter site of Channel 11 was also being raided, with the intent of stopping the satellite uplink. They were ordered to shut down their VOIP, internet, and satellite service.
The police wanted to confiscate their equipment. However, they left with only a few customer contracts to review. It seems the Frente de Resistencia was nearby, marching in the Torocagua zone, and surrounded the transmitter site, pelting the CONTATEL employees who were trying to disrupt the satellite uplink with bags of water. They also surrounded the studios of Channel 11 and Cable Color.
Channel 11 owns Cable Color, and Channel 11, in turn, is part of the Continental Group, owned by the Rosenthal family.
Channel 36 reported in their on-air news that the temporary suspensions of their broadcast signal in various parts of the country was because of interference with the satellite uplink that links them to their dispersed transmitters. Channel 36 blames pirates hired by the Micheletti government for the outages.
El Tiempo, yesterday, reported that electrical surges thursday night eventually fried the motor control panels on their printing press in San Pedro Sula, rendering them unable to publish for the first time since the 1980s. They indicated that initially ENEE, the electrical company, responded when a surge blew out fuses on their power feed to the building at 8:35 pm thursday night just as the press was preparing to start the run for Friday's paper. ENEE employees arrived about 20 minutes after being called and replaced the fuses on the power pole outside the printing plant. At 9 pm. just after the presses started printing the Friday edition, a bar fuse on another pole caught fire and began smoking. ENEE was again called, and this time refused to replace the smoking device claiming it was Tiempo's and they weren't authorized to replace it, and "maybe it would hold out; Tomorrow someone will have to change it." At midnight a call to ENEE was met with instructions to call the head of the company and get him to order a repair, or wait for it to be repaired on Friday. Finally a third call yielded a repair team who fixed the problem and restored power. At that point Tiempo found out that the partial outage due to the bar fuse problem had damaged the panels that controlled the motors on the printing press, ruining any chance of printing Friday's paper. You might think that this is just the typical bad electricity ENEE provides in Honduras, and that might be so, but this kind of electrical surge was a tactic used in the 1970s and 1980s to take out Tiempo's printing press during the military dictatorships. Tiempo considers it suspicious.
Two Honduran human rights organizations, Ciprodeh and CODEH, took statements and opened investigations into what happened at Cable Color and Channel 11.
More de facto regime's harassment against media- Voselsoberano
2009 September 18, 2009

action seen as a further act of intimidation and harassment of the current de facto government.
Con el pretexto de una nueva “revisión de parámetros de señal satelital” empleados de Conatel y de la fiscalía, ingresaron a las instalaciones de los citados medios, a eso de las 10:00 de la mañana, lo que generó alarma ante posibles acciones de decomiso de equipo e interrupción de la señal televisiva. Under the guise of a new "revised parameters for satellite signal" Conatel employees and the prosecution, entered the premises of such resources, at about 10:00 am, raising alarm over possible actions confiscation of equipment and disruption of the television signal.
The situation created more concern when a large contingent of police and soldiers took to the facilities where does the cable company, located in a shopping center and apartment in Colonia Miramontes.
A note from the prosecution establishes that the action was done because the unit pursues the crime of "disobedience of the companies surveyed, supposedly because of his reluctance to transmit on its cable system signal channels 21, 30 and 45.
According to representatives of the companies concerned to verify the technical inspection that situation had been made four days ago, so do not understand why the new OS and why inspected
also the administrative section, if it was a technical situation.
None of the authorities present at the operation revealed who was the complainant nor could explain why no such action has previously reported on, which was rated by the executives of these companies as a
allanamiento ilegal. illegal search.
The company provides satellite uplink service to Cholusat Radio Globo and South (Channel 36), a situation that generated the alarm among executives in the media, when considering the move as another attempt to prevent, along with Channel 11, reporting freely on
sucesos políticos desencadenados tras el golpe de Estado del 28 de junio. political events triggered after the coup of June 28.
. "We are a company that respects the law and fulfillthe procedures. We will take all legal actions necessary to respect our rights, "said Walter Bodden, attorney for the business
Sotel, who operates Cable Color and Channel 11.
The commissioner Conatel president, Miguel Rodas, told Radio Globo in the case of that station and South Cholusat, have warned the media executives about the problem with the company providing the
satellite link service and were given time to hire another company.
Hundreds of citizens who daily street protests against the coup regime, shifted their route and reached the premises of
la compañía de cable y del canal de televisión para repudiar el atropello y expresar su solidaridad. cable company and TV channel to repudiate the outrage and express their solidarity.
Sudden strange electrical recharge prevents printing the newspaper Diario El Tiempo
Sábado 19 de Septiembre de 2009 08:06 Saturday 19 September of 2009 08:06
Diario Tiempo, 19 de septiembre de 2009 Diario Tiempo, September 19, 2009
At this time that independent media are the subject of sabotage, Official Time not circulated this Friday as part of the printing equipment was damaged on Thursday night because of a surprising and strange electrical recharging.
The paper edition of Time, which comes every morning at the hands of Honduras since 1970, was left unfinished at the imprint of the publishing house and could only be read in digital form on the website:
In recent years, this is the first time the newspaper does not circulate. In the 1980s, amid the Cold War, El Tiempo was the victim of sabotaged power of the repressive agencies of the state that differed from the editorial position of this medium.
Diario El Tiempo unexpectedly received the first overload of energy around 8:35 Thursday night when the press was ready to start printing the first issue of the edition that circulated on Friday.
That machine was halted after running out of power at the instant that the fuses installed in electrical connection of this company, burnt. These are devices that fuse to interrupt the flow of energy, when excessive, but then they should be replaced.
The electrical connection posts of this company are located on Fifth Avenue, between First and Second streets of Barrio Santa Anita. Meanwhile, the machinery, ie, printing, operates inside the building.
To solve the problem, employees of this medium called the technicians of the National Electricity Company (ENEE) who, twenty minutes later arrived at the offices of Diario Tiempo and replaced the fuses.
"They said they were burned because there had been an electrical overload," recalled Leonel Mejia, production manager of Official Time.
. Once solved that problem, about nine o'clock, we started printing, but minutes later, suddenly a blade (installed on a different pole of the damaged fuses) from the attack, caught fire.
For the second time, employees of Diario El Tiempo called the ENEE technical staff. The technicians returned, but this time, although they were wrapped in a small cloud of smoke, said they could not repair the 'fuse' or knife because it belonged to Diario El Tiempo and the company said they were not authorized to make this change .
. "Maybe they hold. Tomorrow you have to change that, "said the ENEE staff members, despite the pleas of our technicians, who warned of the damage they cause and its alleged indifference legality.
Electrical connection, where the damage occurred, is adjacent to the building of Diario El Tiempo and the technicians of ENEE whenever we have had these problems when the fuses are triggered, they have been solved, "states Mejia.
ENEE technicians left without solving the problem. As the damage persisted in the blade, Mejia called around 12 pm to ENEE station, located in La Porte, and an employee told him to call the general manager for the state company that made the order or that he should wait for the shift.
Meanwhile, employees of this newspaper printing remained idle because the press stopped printing copies of the edition on Friday for lack of sufficient energy.
After 12 pm, Mejia called again ENEE and explained the case. This time and after the most diligent supplication another technician promised to send a team to solve the problem. Workers at the state changed the blade and ran the electricity supply to the engine room.
However, when fluid was revived, the press continued stalled because the two panels that control power to the machine were damaged by the high voltage received because of the damage on the blade that employees of ENEE (the shift ends at 12 at night) did not want to repair.
The two panels damaged, whose investment is close to two million Lempiras, serve to provide power to the engines, 150 horsepower, which drive the rotation.
Just yesterday Friday, El Tiempo ceased to be a newspaper that is read first.
At this time that independent media are the subject of sabotage, Official Time not circulated this Friday as part of the printing equipment was damaged on Thursday night because of a surprising and strange electrical recharging.
The paper edition of Time, which comes every morning at the hands of Honduras since 1970, was left unfinished at the imprint of the publishing house and could only be read in digital form on the website:
In recent years, this is the first time the newspaper does not circulate. In the 1980s, amid the Cold War, El Tiempo was the victim of sabotaged power of the repressive agencies of the state that differed from the editorial position of this medium.
Diario El Tiempo unexpectedly received the first overload of energy around 8:35 Thursday night when the press was ready to start printing the first issue of the edition that circulated on Friday.
That machine was halted after running out of power at the instant that the fuses installed in electrical connection of this company, burnt. These are devices that fuse to interrupt the flow of energy, when excessive, but then they should be replaced.
The electrical connection posts of this company are located on Fifth Avenue, between First and Second streets of Barrio Santa Anita. Meanwhile, the machinery, ie, printing, operates inside the building.
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To solve the problem, employees of this medium called the technicians of the National Electricity Company (ENEE) who, twenty minutes later arrived at the offices of Diario Tiempo and replaced the fuses.
"They said they were burned because there had been an electrical overload," recalled Leonel Mejia, production manager of Official Time.
. Once solved that problem, about nine o'clock, we started printing, but minutes later, suddenly a blade (installed on a different pole of the damaged fuses) from the attack, caught fire.
For the second time, employees of Diario El Tiempo called the ENEE technical staff. The technicians returned, but this time, although they were wrapped in a small cloud of smoke, said they could not repair the 'fuse' or knife because it belonged to Diario El Tiempo and the company said they were not authorized to make this change .
. "Maybe they hold. Tomorrow you have to change that, "said the ENEE staff members, despite the pleas of our technicians, who warned of the damage they cause and its alleged indifference legality.
Electrical connection, where the damage occurred, is adjacent to the building of Diario El Tiempo and the technicians of ENEE whenever we have had these problems when the fuses are triggered, they have been solved, "states Mejia.
ENEE technicians left without solving the problem. As the damage persisted in the blade, Mejia called around 12 pm to ENEE station, located in La Porte, and an employee told him to call the general manager for the state company that made the order or that he should wait for the shift.
Meanwhile, employees of this newspaper printing remained idle because the press stopped printing copies of the edition on Friday for lack of sufficient energy.
After 12 pm, Mejia called again ENEE and explained the case. This time and after the most diligent supplication another technician promised to send a team to solve the problem. Workers at the state changed the blade and ran the electricity supply to the engine room.
However, when fluid was revived, the press continued stalled because the two panels that control power to the machine were damaged by the high voltage received because of the damage on the blade that employees of ENEE (the shift ends at 12 at night) did not want to repair.
The two panels damaged, whose investment is close to two million Lempiras, serve to provide power to the engines, 150 horsepower, which drive the rotation.
Just yesterday Friday, El Tiempo ceased to be a newspaper that is read first.
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Regime increases Honduran television censorship
Sábado 19 de Septiembre de 2009 22:35 Saturday 19 September 2009 22:35
Por: Ronnie Huete By: Ronnie Huete
Tegucigalpa, 19 de sep (PL). In a new attempt, the de facto government of Honduras Roberto Micheletti, continues to censor the media critical of his regime.
The interrupted frequency of channel 11 through the National Telecommunications Commission (CONATEL) and the Ministerio Publico,was the new action taken by Micheletti.
Therefore the resistance members who were peacefully demonstrating in the streets, took to the television facilities to condemn the act of censorship, the media coordinator said the television media, Nancy John.
The journalist explained that for the second time CONATEL conducted a technical inspection of the canal, but on this occasion did not present a warrant.
“Los inspectores del Ministerio Publico y de CONATEL no mostraron las pruebas legales de que canal 11 sabia de esta nueva orden” expresó la periodista Nancy John. "The inspectors of the Public Ministry and CONATEL showed no evidence demonstrating that the Channel 11 knew of this new order," said the journalist Nancy John.
The Community are saying to Prensa Latina that these actions are unjustifiable because Channel 11 was unaware of this new resolution in which state entities were presented with the intent to pull the plug on the medium, its coverage is nationwide.
The representatives of the Ministerio Publico and CONATEL were accompanied with a strong contingent of militia and a squadron of riot.
The aim of this illegal action said John is to break the radio signal Globe and channel 11, since both have the satellite service Color cable company which means a clear attack on free speech and free exercise of journalism.
"The two media have spoken of their information objectively and guide us to what really happens in Honduras," said Javier Garcia resistance member.
Cable Color provides satellite services to other media and the commercial alliance between channel 11 and Radio Globo is legal within the framework of free enterprise, said the lawyer of the Committee of the Detained and Disappeared in Honduras (Cofadeh) Kenya Oliva.
The owner of the servant and satellite television is Jaime Rosenthal.
Channel 11 was recently characterized by recognized human rights organizations, as a medium that has transmitted information in an objective manner the events after the coup on 28 June.
"It's part of the repression of this government de facto by our balanced journalistic approach" said Nancy John.
On 28 June, the new regime Micheletti, gave the order to close the Channel 11 broadcast because they were providing coverage of the massive demonstrations that day were made against the coup.
Recently part of the Channel 11 news team received death threats through text messaging via cell phone, but the intimidation has decreased by the presence of international human rights bodies.
. The journalist John said that these actions will not change the editorial line of the television.
Tegucigalpa, 19 de sep (PL). In a new attempt, the de facto government of Honduras Roberto Micheletti, continues to censor the media critical of his regime.
The interrupted frequency of channel 11 through the National Telecommunications Commission (CONATEL) and the Ministerio Publico,was the new action taken by Micheletti.
Therefore the resistance members who were peacefully demonstrating in the streets, took to the television facilities to condemn the act of censorship, the media coordinator said the television media, Nancy John.
The journalist explained that for the second time CONATEL conducted a technical inspection of the canal, but on this occasion did not present a warrant.
“Los inspectores del Ministerio Publico y de CONATEL no mostraron las pruebas legales de que canal 11 sabia de esta nueva orden” expresó la periodista Nancy John. "The inspectors of the Public Ministry and CONATEL showed no evidence demonstrating that the Channel 11 knew of this new order," said the journalist Nancy John.
The Community are saying to Prensa Latina that these actions are unjustifiable because Channel 11 was unaware of this new resolution in which state entities were presented with the intent to pull the plug on the medium, its coverage is nationwide.
The representatives of the Ministerio Publico and CONATEL were accompanied with a strong contingent of militia and a squadron of riot.
The aim of this illegal action said John is to break the radio signal Globe and channel 11, since both have the satellite service Color cable company which means a clear attack on free speech and free exercise of journalism.
"The two media have spoken of their information objectively and guide us to what really happens in Honduras," said Javier Garcia resistance member.
Cable Color provides satellite services to other media and the commercial alliance between channel 11 and Radio Globo is legal within the framework of free enterprise, said the lawyer of the Committee of the Detained and Disappeared in Honduras (Cofadeh) Kenya Oliva.
The owner of the servant and satellite television is Jaime Rosenthal.
Channel 11 was recently characterized by recognized human rights organizations, as a medium that has transmitted information in an objective manner the events after the coup on 28 June.
"It's part of the repression of this government de facto by our balanced journalistic approach" said Nancy John.
On 28 June, the new regime Micheletti, gave the order to close the Channel 11 broadcast because they were providing coverage of the massive demonstrations that day were made against the coup.
Recently part of the Channel 11 news team received death threats through text messaging via cell phone, but the intimidation has decreased by the presence of international human rights bodies.
. The journalist John said that these actions will not change the editorial line of the television.
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