Innocent summoned to be used in the assault on the Embassy of Brazil
The kids in "white" are taken to the slaughterhouse
Innocents summoned to be used in the assault on the Embassy of Brazil
Red Hondureña de Noticias - RedHN. Honduran Red News - RedHN. Tegucigalpa, miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2009, 22:50 horas.- Para el día de mañana jueves han sido convocados y movilizados del interior del país miles de empleados públicos y de la empresa privada con la intención simular un asalto civil contra la Embajada de Brasil, donde se aloja el Presidente Constitucional de Honduras, José Manuel Zelaya Rosales. Tegucigalpa, Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009, 22:50 hours .- For the day on Thursday and have been called inside the country mobilized thousands of civil servants and private enterprise in an attempt to simulate a civil assault on the Embassy Brazil, home to the Constitutional President of Honduras, José Manuel Zelaya Rosales.
Desde tempranas horas de hoy se ha filtrado a la prensa nacional e internacional las versiones que indican que en la marcha de los "perfumados" (oficialistas a favor del actual régimen de facto) participarían militares vestidos de rojo para provocar disturbios que terminarían con la muerte de varios de los inocentes participantes y así justificar las agresiones contra la misión diplomática, que culminaría con el asesinato de todos sus ocupantes. From the early hours of today has been leaked to the national and international press releases indicating that the march of "Perfume" (officially in favor of the current de facto regime) would participate dressed in red military to riot that would end with death several of the innocent participants and to justify attacks on diplomatic missions, culminating with the killing of all inhabitants.
Varios líderes de la Resistencia han realizado llamados para que los empleados públicos y de la empresa privada no participen de la movilización de mañana para evitar ser usados de carne de cañón por las autoridades del retomen de facto que presiden Roberto Micheletti Bain y el general Romeo Vásquez Velásquez. Several leaders of the Resistance have been calls for government employees and private enterprise not participating in the mobilization of morning to avoid being used as cannon fodder by the de facto authorities that preside resume Roberto Micheletti Bain, and General Romeo Vasquez Velasquez. (EMC) (EMC)
Innocents summoned to be used in the assault on the Embassy of Brazil
Red Hondureña de Noticias - RedHN. Honduran Red News - RedHN. Tegucigalpa, miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2009, 22:50 horas.- Para el día de mañana jueves han sido convocados y movilizados del interior del país miles de empleados públicos y de la empresa privada con la intención simular un asalto civil contra la Embajada de Brasil, donde se aloja el Presidente Constitucional de Honduras, José Manuel Zelaya Rosales. Tegucigalpa, Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009, 22:50 hours .- For the day on Thursday and have been called inside the country mobilized thousands of civil servants and private enterprise in an attempt to simulate a civil assault on the Embassy Brazil, home to the Constitutional President of Honduras, José Manuel Zelaya Rosales.
Desde tempranas horas de hoy se ha filtrado a la prensa nacional e internacional las versiones que indican que en la marcha de los "perfumados" (oficialistas a favor del actual régimen de facto) participarían militares vestidos de rojo para provocar disturbios que terminarían con la muerte de varios de los inocentes participantes y así justificar las agresiones contra la misión diplomática, que culminaría con el asesinato de todos sus ocupantes. From the early hours of today has been leaked to the national and international press releases indicating that the march of "Perfume" (officially in favor of the current de facto regime) would participate dressed in red military to riot that would end with death several of the innocent participants and to justify attacks on diplomatic missions, culminating with the killing of all inhabitants.
Varios líderes de la Resistencia han realizado llamados para que los empleados públicos y de la empresa privada no participen de la movilización de mañana para evitar ser usados de carne de cañón por las autoridades del retomen de facto que presiden Roberto Micheletti Bain y el general Romeo Vásquez Velásquez. Several leaders of the Resistance have been calls for government employees and private enterprise not participating in the mobilization of morning to avoid being used as cannon fodder by the de facto authorities that preside resume Roberto Micheletti Bain, and General Romeo Vasquez Velasquez. (EMC) (EMC)
Sticks with nails
Vi las lesiones que les han inferido los policías a los muchos de la resistencia: se han hecho con garrotes que tienen clavos.Vean los videos que presentó Canal 6. I saw the injuries they have inflicted the police to a lot of resistance: seen with clubs who have submitted videos clavos.Vean Channel 6.
Por otra parte dice Abriendo Brecha que el aparato que produce sonido fue llevado por la Resistencia. Moreover BNG said the device that produces sound was carried by the Resistance. Su uso, por parte de la policía, es una violación de los derechos humanos y tortura. Its use by police, is a violation of human rights and torture.
Victor Manuel Ramos Victor Manuel Ramos
Solidaridad con la Resistencia Solidarity with the Resistance
Bravo a los valientes jóvenes que se baten contra la policía y los militares golpistas en los Barrios y Colonias y en toda Honduras. Bravo to the brave young men who fight against the police and the military coup in the barrios and colonias and in Honduras. La victoria esta muy cercana. The victory is very close. No desfallezcamos, levantemos nuestras banderas muy en alto. Do not lose heart, lift up our banners held high.
Por otra parte dice Abriendo Brecha que el aparato que produce sonido fue llevado por la Resistencia. Moreover BNG said the device that produces sound was carried by the Resistance. Su uso, por parte de la policía, es una violación de los derechos humanos y tortura. Its use by police, is a violation of human rights and torture.
Victor Manuel Ramos Victor Manuel Ramos
Solidaridad con la Resistencia Solidarity with the Resistance
Bravo a los valientes jóvenes que se baten contra la policía y los militares golpistas en los Barrios y Colonias y en toda Honduras. Bravo to the brave young men who fight against the police and the military coup in the barrios and colonias and in Honduras. La victoria esta muy cercana. The victory is very close. No desfallezcamos, levantemos nuestras banderas muy en alto. Do not lose heart, lift up our banners held high.
Houses around Brazilian Embassy cleared
Radio Globo reported this morning that the military completed clearing the houses around the Brazilian embassy overnight. All of the residents in the area have been cleared from their houses, and the military has occupied some of them, Radio Globo reports.Radio Globo also identified several boxes attached to the power lines that jam radio signals (such as cell phones and radios) in the area around the embassy.
At this time the military is interfering with Radio Globo's internet signal, sending end-of-stream packets to clients trying to connect.
Channel 36's internet broadcast is unavailable to us this morning.
Pro de facto government march fizzles?
Reading between the lines the "pro democracy" (your tax dollars at work here) march organized to support the de facto government by the UCD (Union Civica Democratica) may have fizzled. The La Tribuna article mentions the organizers expected 500,000 people to join them from across the country. It then goes on to say that "hundreds" arrived at 10 am for the march.Radio Globo has fielded numerous calls from workers who were being "ordered" to attend the march as part of their job. Unlike the marches of the resistance, busloads of supporters in white shirts were being allowed past the military checkpoints into Tegucigalpa this morning.
The UCD is an organization funded, in part, by the US State Department. It receives funds designated to groups that promote democracy in Latin America.
Government de facto light leaves the embassy of Argentina in Honduras

La presidenta de Argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, denunció este miércoles ante la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas en Nueva York, Estados Unidos, que el Gobierno de facto de Honduras, encabezado por Roberto Micheletti, dejó sin luz a la embajada argentina en Tegucigalpa el mismo día en que el depuesto presidente, Manuel Zelaya, regresó al país. The president of Argentina, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, denounced on Wednesday before the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York, United States, the de facto government of Honduras, headed by Roberto Micheletti, no light left Argentina's embassy in Tegucigalpa the same day as the deposed president, Manuel Zelaya, returned home.
'Debo confesarles que tenía pensado iniciar mi intervención con una fuerte apelación a la necesidad de reconstruir el multilateralismo y la cooperación como los instrumentos básicos para superar la crisis social y económica, pero unas cosas que sucedieron entre el lunes y ayer (martes) hacen que comience contándoles que, en Tegucigalpa, a la embajada de mi país le han cortado la luz', indicó. 'I must admit that it planned to start my speech with a strong appeal to the need to rebuild multilateralism and cooperation as the basic tools to overcome the social and economic crisis, but some things that happened between Monday and yesterday (Tuesday) make start telling them that, in Tegucigalpa, the embassy of my country have cut the light, "he said.
'No es por no haber pagado la cuenta sino que al lado de la embajada argentina existe un canal de televisión que transmitía las noticias de la llegada de Zelaya y de la represión. 'It is for not paying the bill but next to the Embassy of Argentina there is a television channel that broadcast the news of the arrival of Zelaya and repression.
Hemos tenido más suerte que la sede de Brasil, que sufrió el corte no sólo de la luz sino también del agua por albergar al presidente constitucional', dijo Fernández, reseña el portal de La Gaceta argentina. We had more luck than the headquarters of Brazil, which suffered the cut not only light but also hold water for the constitutional president, "said Fernandez, review the website of La Gaceta Argentina.
La jefa de Estado consideró 'imprescindible que tomemos conciencia de que si no construimos una estrategia multilateral fuerte que haga retornar la democracia a Honduras, que ponga en ejercicio el respeto a los derechos humanos y asegure elecciones libres y democráticas, estaremos sentando un severo precedente en una región que durante décadas sufrió interrupciones democráticas' The head of state considered "essential that we be aware that unless we build a strong multilateral strategy to make democracy return to Honduras, to put in exercise respect for human rights and ensure free and democratic elections, we will be setting a precedent in severe a region that for decades suffered interruptions democratic '
Spinning resistance as vandalism
Listening to Radio Globo, it is clear that across the country, people have decided to defy the curfew and go out, even at night, to reclaim their country from the de facto regime and its military suppression of the right of free circulation and free association.
Among the many places from which people are calling are names of communities I know only from the historical documents attesting to the persistence of indigenous communities through centuries of the Spanish colonization.
Tatumbla, for example, where a woman calling in described the alcalde (mayor) as a golpista. A town mentioned throughout the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. In 1655, one of the earliest places from which we have seen a petition by an indigenous woman. Part of a grant of labor to one of the elites living in Comayagua in 1669. Today, home to brave women who refuse to stay penned in their houses, in what Juan Almendares calls "the world's largest jail".
These are people who know how to survive, and they are fighting against unbearable oppression.
So how does the English-language media spin it? A report by Associated Press just 20 minutes ago characterizes the arrests of the night-- which they surely are undercounting, based on the reporting on radio from Honduras-- as "for vandalism and looting".
The choice of that lead is important, and irresponsible. It is the way that the regime chooses to mischaracterize the astonishing choice people are making, knowing they risk arrest, beating, and being shot. This is not, as other media call it, "riots". Riots justify riot police. This is demonstrations by the sovereign people, and it is a violation of Honduran constitutional rights and a scene of human rights violations by those with weapons who seek to prevent the expression by the people of their desire for the restitution of their government.
Equally corrosive editorializing in this supposed "news story" is the description of the situation at the Brazilian Embassy:
Just as I could do if I wanted to rewrite it again as a polemic for the resistance:
Similarly, by reporting only the claims of the regime about the intentions President Zelaya had in returning now, the article advances the storyline of the illegal regime:
First, no government in the world recognizes Micheletti as the President of Honduras. He is not the "interim" President. He is the former head of Congress who usurped the office of President.
And President Zelaya did not just ask to speak with Micheletti; he has been calling him, and other members of the de facto regime. Micheletti, according to reports, has refused his calls. Carlos Florés Facusse, also according to reports, did accept President Zelaya's call, and said he would see what he could do.
Let's try one last rewrite, and you decide if I am just being descriptive or advocating for the Resistance:
And now, Micheletti's mask is off: he is reduced to having statements read for him, written in English (!), by whom? Whose puppet is he now?
Among the many places from which people are calling are names of communities I know only from the historical documents attesting to the persistence of indigenous communities through centuries of the Spanish colonization.
Tatumbla, for example, where a woman calling in described the alcalde (mayor) as a golpista. A town mentioned throughout the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. In 1655, one of the earliest places from which we have seen a petition by an indigenous woman. Part of a grant of labor to one of the elites living in Comayagua in 1669. Today, home to brave women who refuse to stay penned in their houses, in what Juan Almendares calls "the world's largest jail".
These are people who know how to survive, and they are fighting against unbearable oppression.
So how does the English-language media spin it? A report by Associated Press just 20 minutes ago characterizes the arrests of the night-- which they surely are undercounting, based on the reporting on radio from Honduras-- as "for vandalism and looting".
The choice of that lead is important, and irresponsible. It is the way that the regime chooses to mischaracterize the astonishing choice people are making, knowing they risk arrest, beating, and being shot. This is not, as other media call it, "riots". Riots justify riot police. This is demonstrations by the sovereign people, and it is a violation of Honduran constitutional rights and a scene of human rights violations by those with weapons who seek to prevent the expression by the people of their desire for the restitution of their government.
Equally corrosive editorializing in this supposed "news story" is the description of the situation at the Brazilian Embassy:
Zelaya remained holed up with a shrinking core of supporters at the increasingly isolated Brazilian Embassy in Honduras. Diplomats and activists streamed out of the compound late Tuesday, and Brazil urged the U.N. Security Council to guarantee the embassy's safety.This is a storyline being developed that creates the impression of a loss of support, rather than, for example, a more honest account which would emphasize the shocking violence being exerted against the diplomatic mission of a sovereign state. How might we rewrite this so that it was a truthful account?
President Zelaya maintained his presence in the Brazilian Embassy in Honduras, where the de facto regime strengthened its blockade to prevent demonstrators from assembling outside. Late Tuesday, some of those trapped inside left the compound, while Brazil urged the UN Security Council to guarantee the embassy's safety.See what I mean? the choices of the more colorful "holed up"; the characterization of a "shrinking core of supporters" (what does that mean? the people in the Embassy? the crowds dislodged by force immediately outside? not the people across the city and country who are violating the curfew as a demonstration of support for the restitution of freedom and the legitimate government); of "increasingly isolated" instead of something that acknowledges that the Embassy is being cordoned off; and of "streamed out", an image of escape rather than simple departure: these choices spin the story.
Just as I could do if I wanted to rewrite it again as a polemic for the resistance:
President Zelaya, capping his heroic journey back to his country, remained defiant in the Embassy of Brazil, whose president called for the UN Security Council to sanction attempts by the de facto regime to isolate him from contact with the people. Meanwhile, the regime continued is oppression of the people, both by blockading the area around the Embassy, and by attacks throughout Tegucigalpa on citizens exercising their rights to demonstrate or simply to circulate. Late Tuesday, diplomats and others inside the Embassy left, leaving those still in residence better prepared to resist a long siege.See? word choices matter. The article cites the police justifying their repression as normal policing of crime. The viewpoint adopted is entirely that of the regime, even if the reporter did not intend it.
Similarly, by reporting only the claims of the regime about the intentions President Zelaya had in returning now, the article advances the storyline of the illegal regime:
The interim government accused Zelaya of sneaking back into the country Monday to create disturbances and disrupt the Nov. 29 election scheduled to pick his successorPresident Zelaya himself made a different call: not for violence, but for non-violence, not to disrupt the elections, but to open a direct negotiation with the de facto regime to end the conflict. The only reference to this is a sentence saying he
repeatedly asked to speak with interim President Roberto Micheletti.How bad can one short sentence get?
First, no government in the world recognizes Micheletti as the President of Honduras. He is not the "interim" President. He is the former head of Congress who usurped the office of President.
And President Zelaya did not just ask to speak with Micheletti; he has been calling him, and other members of the de facto regime. Micheletti, according to reports, has refused his calls. Carlos Florés Facusse, also according to reports, did accept President Zelaya's call, and said he would see what he could do.
Let's try one last rewrite, and you decide if I am just being descriptive or advocating for the Resistance:
AP: The country remains shut down under the nearly round-the-clock curfew decreed by the interim government that ousted Zelaya in June.Micheletti is making himself irrelevant every time he insists he can define the terms of debate. The business community, the candidates for the November presidential election, and even members of his own inner circle of coup authors are issuing statements calling for negotiation, without the rejection of President Zelaya's reinstatement repeated every time Micheletti speaks.
RAJ: Despite the declared round-the-clock curfew which continued for more than 48 hours, dictated by the de facto regime that illegally removed President Zelaya from office in June, throughout the capital city and beyond people were in the streets in direct defiance of the order.
And now, Micheletti's mask is off: he is reduced to having statements read for him, written in English (!), by whom? Whose puppet is he now?
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