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Micheletti adjourned a few hours the curfew to allow the purchase of food
Tegucigalpa, Sep 23 (EFE) .- The de facto president of Honduras, Roberto Micheletti, today announced the suspension for a few hours of the curfew in force in the country since last Monday, so that people can buy food.
In an interview with Channel 10 local TV, Micheletti said the curfew imposed because of the return home of the deposed president, Manuel Zelaya, suspended for several hours today to allow the population is supplied with food, water and other products.
Although originally Micheletti said that the suspension of the rights of citizenship would be for six hours, an official communique issued in a daisy chain Honduran radio and television said the curfew was lifted for seven hours, between 1000 and 17.00 (16.00 and 23.00 GMT). Las condiciones de seguridad en el país también permiten la flexibilización de la medida, aseguró el gobernante de facto, quien advirtió que están prohibidas "las reuniones de más de 20 personas" durante el toque de queda. The security situation in the country also allow the relaxation of the measure, said the de facto ruler, who warned that prohibited "gatherings of more than 20 people" during the curfew.
Indicó que una nueva suspensión del toque de queda, mañana, dependerá de las condiciones de seguridad que haya en el país. He said a further suspension of the curfew, tomorrow will depend on security conditions there in the country.
El Gobierno había ampliado anoche el toque de queda en todo el país durante 12 horas, de las 6.00 a las 18.00 horas (de 12.00 a 00.00 GMT) de hoy. The Government had extended the curfew last night around the country for 12 hours, from 6.00 to 18.00 (from 12.00 to 00.00 GMT) Tuesday.
Tras anunciar Micheletti la suspensión del toque de queda, el sistema bancario y numerosos negocios anunciaron a los medios locales que abrirán sus puertas, en algunos casos durante menos de seis horas, para facilitar la llegada y salida de sus empleados. Micheletti After announcing the suspension of the curfew, the banking system and many businesses have announced to local media to open their doors, in some cases for less than six hours, to facilitate the arrival and departure of its employees.
Zelaya se encuentra desde el lunes alojado en la embajada de Brasil en Tegucigalpa, tras regresar inesperadamente al país 86 días después del golpe de Estado. Zelaya is from Monday, stay at the Brazilian Embassy in Tegucigalpa, after returning unexpectedly to the country 86 days after the coup.
Las fuerzas de seguridad desalojaron ayer a los simpatizantes de Zelaya que se manifestaban frente a la legación, después de lo cual se produjeron disturbios y enfrentamientos entre ambos bandos en algunos barrios y colonias de la capital hondureña. Security forces yesterday evacuated Zelaya's supporters who were demonstrating in front of the embassy, after which there were riots and clashes between both sides in some neighborhoods and settlements in the Honduran capital.
Blow to the stomach of the poor: Self-sufficiency in supermarkets in the coup
Martes 22 de Septiembre de 2009 20:08 Tuesday, 22 September 2009 20:08
Honduran Red News - RedHN. Tegucigalpa Tuesday, September 22nd, 2009, 19:00 hours .- Faced with food shortages in the capital's residents have started looting food supplies from supermarkets and businesses of the coup.
The self-supplies have begun to occur in Tegucigalpa, where the curfew facto regime Micheletti - Vasquez Velasquez prevents the residents of neighborhoods and neighborhoods of the capital to acquire their food, water and medicines in stores that remain closed.
Hunger and thirst appear to be the preferred methods of the great military strategist of the Armed Forces of Honduras, coup leader General Romeo Vasquez Velasquez, to subdue the rebellious populations. In the recent past was the tactic that was applied without success in the border area of El Paraiso to stop the stampede that was mobilized to receive from the President of Honduras, José Manuel Zelaya Rosales, when he announced his return from Nicaragua.
Gen. Vasquez Velasquez recommended yesterday at the meeting of the Joint Chiefs reapply the "tactics of the guts" but the measure could not be applied to the harshness that would at the Embassy of Brazil for the strong and energetic community pressures international exercises to respect human rights.
Today the military and police surround the Brazilian diplomatic mission has allowed the entry of food brought by human rights organizations as COFADEH and have reconnected the electricity and water.
Bertha Oliva, coordinator of the Committee of Relatives of Detained and Disappeared in Honduras (COFADEH) confirmed a few minutes ago I was leaving the last military-police checkpoint near a diplomatic mission from which permission to leave supplies for the nearly 300 people sheltering in the building.
In the early hours Father Andres Tamayo reported that they had no food or water for people who took refuge at the Brazilian Embassy, among which include the granddaughter of the President of Honduras, José Manuel Zelaya Rosales. (EMC) (EMC)
The self-supplies have begun to occur in Tegucigalpa, where the curfew facto regime Micheletti - Vasquez Velasquez prevents the residents of neighborhoods and neighborhoods of the capital to acquire their food, water and medicines in stores that remain closed.
Hunger and thirst appear to be the preferred methods of the great military strategist of the Armed Forces of Honduras, coup leader General Romeo Vasquez Velasquez, to subdue the rebellious populations. In the recent past was the tactic that was applied without success in the border area of El Paraiso to stop the stampede that was mobilized to receive from the President of Honduras, José Manuel Zelaya Rosales, when he announced his return from Nicaragua.
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In the photo yesterday, the Constitutional President of the Republic of Honduras, José Manuel Zelaya Rosales, smiles at her granddaughter, after 86 days of not seeing her, when her father is charged on the terrace of the Brazilian Embassy in Tegucigalpa . |
Gen. Vasquez Velasquez recommended yesterday at the meeting of the Joint Chiefs reapply the "tactics of the guts" but the measure could not be applied to the harshness that would at the Embassy of Brazil for the strong and energetic community pressures international exercises to respect human rights.
Today the military and police surround the Brazilian diplomatic mission has allowed the entry of food brought by human rights organizations as COFADEH and have reconnected the electricity and water.
Bertha Oliva, coordinator of the Committee of Relatives of Detained and Disappeared in Honduras (COFADEH) confirmed a few minutes ago I was leaving the last military-police checkpoint near a diplomatic mission from which permission to leave supplies for the nearly 300 people sheltering in the building.
In the early hours Father Andres Tamayo reported that they had no food or water for people who took refuge at the Brazilian Embassy, among which include the granddaughter of the President of Honduras, José Manuel Zelaya Rosales. (EMC) (EMC)
Large crowds at supermarkets, gas stations and banks in Honduras
Thousands of Hondurans crowd today at supermarkets, gas stations and banks to stock up on food, water, fuel and money, start a seven-hour suspension of the curfew dictated by the de facto government Roberto Micheletti. Continue reading the printed article
In Tegucigalpa, the major supermarkets and other stores like people started to arrive before 10.00 local time (16.00 GMT) and had to suspend the curfew, which will have effect at 1700 local time (23.00 GMT).
"I'm going to buy fuel to go to buy food, if no fuel no food," Efe said Mario, a trader of 50 years, while retaining its turn in a kilometer-long queue at a service station in Tegucigalpa. "A lot of stubbornness on the Government of Micheletti," he said, summing up his feelings after about 42 hours of curfew and paralysis in the country.
For Luis Fernando Lopez, architect, "everything is ugly" and "bad situation" in the country, why he said he tries to gather fuel in anticipation of more days of curfew.
He said that has not stopped working from home, but during the break in the curfew will meet with colleagues to update on the proceedings of recent days, however, have served some good.
"As the girl (the maid) did not come to the house I'm learning to cook," he said.
Others, like Roberto, 40 years and therapist, do not take it with both humor and said that today could soon reach a gasstation queue with little food and still have at home.
"I do not know how long this will last or how long reserves will last," he said.
In a supermarket in a working class neighborhood, consumers literally left empty shelves, where products are not only indispensable, according to Efe found.
Local media also report that the situation is similar in other cities, it takes three days under a strict curfew after the surprise arrival of ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya, who on Monday remains in the embassy Brazil Tegucigalpa.
The mobilization of consumers in Tegucigalpa comes at a tense atmosphere after the riots last night in several parts of the city, which Zelaya's supporters destroyed and looted several stores and other businesses.
In addition, the popular resistance movement for the restoration of President Zelaya in Tegucigalpa today called on his followers to a "peaceful march" to demand "dialogue" between the deposed ruler and the current government, headed Micheletti.
An Air Force helicopter has been flying the Honduran capital, mostly in the area where are the Brazilian Embassy and the Pedagogical University "Francisco Morazán", where demonstrators plan to leave in the popular resistance.
Zelaya fue detenido y expulsado del país el 28 de junio pasado por los militares y sustituido ese mismo día por Micheletti, hasta entonces presidente del Legislativo, cuyo Gobierno no es reconocido por la comunidad internacional. Zelaya was arrested and deported on 28 June by the military and replaced the same day by Micheletti, then president of the legislature, whose government is not recognized by the international community.
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