Dear members of the United Nations, European Parliament and international human rights organizations,
Hereby we would like to ask you in name of all Hondurans demonstrating peacefully and celebrating the return of our democratically elected President, Manuel Zelaya, who is right now in the Brazilian Embassy in Tegucigalpa, to help us due to the following:
1. The defacto government has imposed an unlimited curfue in the whole country and has suspended the constitution
2. Military are throwing tear gas granades at the people demonstrating peacefully and are already shooting, there are tanks and . Wounded are already report and people begging for water and screaming for help
3.The de facto government has shut down all 4 international airports in the country
4. The electric supply has been cut
2. Military are throwing tear gas granades at the people demonstrating peacefully and are already shooting, there are tanks and . Wounded are already report and people begging for water and screaming for help
3.The de facto government has shut down all 4 international airports in the country
4. The electric supply has been cut
5. Radio stations, channels, and even the newspaper who report against the coup have been threatened this week, even prevented from publishing news, and some have been threatened to death and tried to be shut down
6.The 3 main cell phone companies cut off their services constantly
7. While thousands of Hondurans throughout the country are heading towards Tegucigalpa, the roads have been militarized
8. There are several dead reported, shot in the head and an 8 year-old child died asphyxiated due to tear gas bombs, pregnant women have been beaten up
6.The 3 main cell phone companies cut off their services constantly
7. While thousands of Hondurans throughout the country are heading towards Tegucigalpa, the roads have been militarized
8. There are several dead reported, shot in the head and an 8 year-old child died asphyxiated due to tear gas bombs, pregnant women have been beaten up
9. There are over 300 people arrested, amongst them old people like an 80 year-old woman, children, young adolescents, they are also using a stadium in tegucigalpa as a jail
10. They have brought out of the air Radio Globo and other TV Channels and radio station hav ebeen reported to be militarized, amongst them Channel 36 and the only ones reporting against the Coup have been taken off the air
11. International Press has been victim of agression as well
12. There are many people wounded reported ingressed in Hospitals
11. They have militarized the ENEE (electricity supply in Honduras), this is why the service has been cut to several cities of Honduras
12. They have terrorized, thrown gas bombs inside COFADEH (Honduran Human rights organization) as well as STYBIS (a syndicate building), they have burnt cars outside the Brazilian embassy and are trying to break inside it, where Zelaya is amongst 300 Hondurans using it as refuge
13. they are invading neighbourhoods, like Col. Hato del medio, mostly the ones where the majority are teachers, the heart of the resistance, teachers have been amongst the most attacked by the military and some other neighbourhoods, where peaceful demonstrations are taking place have also reported military invasion
14. Food and water are being blocked by the military to the 300 people inside the Brazilian embassy
15. They are using a stadium, namely the Azcona sports complex as a jail to concentrate all the arrested
16. Babies inside houses and children are being affected by the tear gas thrown by the military from airplanes and in squads
17. They are surrounding the Brazilian embassy and are threatening to invide it, President Zelaya is inside with his familiy alongside 300 people. The head judge of the Supreme Court is in front of the Honduran embassy alongside military members and members of the police, with an audio equipment, supposedly to read aloud a note.
Micheletti repeated that there never was a coup, just a "constitutional succession" ordered by the courts and approved by Congress. More about this in a later post.
In a column published in the Washinton Post today he wrote: "Coups do not allow freedom of assembly. They do not guarantee freedom of the press, much less respect for human rights. In Hoduras, these freedoms remain intact and vibrant."
I'm sure that was written by his PR firm, Lanny Davis, several days ago, because everything it says about Honduras is false, and was false when written. Constitutional guarantees have been suspended via a de facto government decree, including the right of assembly, freedom of the press, and the Interamerican Human Rights commission today decried their lack of respect for human rights over the last 24 hours. Lanny Davis doesn't mind bending the truth for his clients, as he showed in his "debate" with Greg Grandin on the Democracy Now website.
The AP article is also somewhat incredulous of Micheletti's writing since right after the quote above, it continues "Meanwhile Micheletti closed airports and borders and baton-weilding police fired tear gas to chase thousands of demonstrators away from the embassy..."
In fact, by cutting off the water, electricity, and telephone to the Brazilian embassy, the de facto government is in violation of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations a UN treaty.
Embassy NOT a haven claims de facto government
The de facto government told the AP that the embassy will not be a haven for Zelaya. "The inviolability of the diplomatic mission does not imply the protection of deliquents or fugitives from justice" said Micheletii's Foreign Minister Advisor, Mario Fortinthe.Micheletti repeated that there never was a coup, just a "constitutional succession" ordered by the courts and approved by Congress. More about this in a later post.
In a column published in the Washinton Post today he wrote: "Coups do not allow freedom of assembly. They do not guarantee freedom of the press, much less respect for human rights. In Hoduras, these freedoms remain intact and vibrant."
I'm sure that was written by his PR firm, Lanny Davis, several days ago, because everything it says about Honduras is false, and was false when written. Constitutional guarantees have been suspended via a de facto government decree, including the right of assembly, freedom of the press, and the Interamerican Human Rights commission today decried their lack of respect for human rights over the last 24 hours. Lanny Davis doesn't mind bending the truth for his clients, as he showed in his "debate" with Greg Grandin on the Democracy Now website.
The AP article is also somewhat incredulous of Micheletti's writing since right after the quote above, it continues "Meanwhile Micheletti closed airports and borders and baton-weilding police fired tear gas to chase thousands of demonstrators away from the embassy..."
In fact, by cutting off the water, electricity, and telephone to the Brazilian embassy, the de facto government is in violation of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations a UN treaty.
Human Rights Violations
Shades of Chile in 1973 when Pinochet overthrew Salvador Allende (that was with US support). The Stadiums became the prisons, and centers of torture and execution. Victor Jara was killed in a stadium there.
The National Police are holding thousands of protesters in the Chochy Sosa baseball stadium in the Olympic village in Tegucigalpa according to Adrés Pavon, president of the Comité para la defensa de los Derechos Humanos (CODEH). He says "there are people being tortured, disappeared, and we are confirming the death of two people." Bertha Oliva, director of the Comité de Familiares de Detenidos Desaparecidos en Honduras (COFADEH) called it a "concentration camp".
This is where earlier, the Frente has reported that Israelies were training a group of the National Police in protest disruption tactics.
Tiempo went to the stadium where a police spokesman admitted to holding 94 people for being out after curfew, and 49 for causing disturbances. The police claimed there were no injured people there, and that the Red Cross was there to provide food and water for the detained.
Posted by rns aThe National Police are holding thousands of protesters in the Chochy Sosa baseball stadium in the Olympic village in Tegucigalpa according to Adrés Pavon, president of the Comité para la defensa de los Derechos Humanos (CODEH). He says "there are people being tortured, disappeared, and we are confirming the death of two people." Bertha Oliva, director of the Comité de Familiares de Detenidos Desaparecidos en Honduras (COFADEH) called it a "concentration camp".
This is where earlier, the Frente has reported that Israelies were training a group of the National Police in protest disruption tactics.
Tiempo went to the stadium where a police spokesman admitted to holding 94 people for being out after curfew, and 49 for causing disturbances. The police claimed there were no injured people there, and that the Red Cross was there to provide food and water for the detained.
Brazil: actions against Honduras embassy not tolerable
Amorim told reporters in New York that Brazil is considering asking for a meeting of the United Nation's security council to discuss the safety of Brazil's diplomatic mission in Honduras.
US urges calm in Honduras, respect for Brazil Embassy
WASHINGTON, Sept 22 (Reuters) - The U.S. government on Tuesday called for calm in Honduras and urged the de facto government to respect the diplomatic immunity of the Brazilian Embassy in Tegucigalpa, where ousted President Manuel Zelaya has taken refuge.
"The United States calls on all parties to remain calm and avoid actions that might provoke violence in Honduras and place individuals at risk or harm," said State Department spokesman Ian Kelly. "We urge that all parties refrain from actions that would lead to further unrest."
Zelaya, who ended almost three months of exile when he snuck back into Honduras on Monday in a bid to return to power, has accused security forces of preparing an attack on the embassy.
Kelly also urged Honduras' de facto government to respect Brazil's diplomatic mission.
"We stress the importance of respecting the inviolability of the Embassy of Brazil in Tegucigalpa and the individuals on its premises," Kelly said.
"Respect and protection for the inviolability of diplomatic premises is a universally accepted principle of international relations," he said.
(Reporting by Deborah Charles; editing by David Alexander and Sandra Maler)
Honduras de facto leader says will respect embassy
TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - Honduras' de facto leader Roberto Micheletti said on Tuesday he has no intention of confronting Brazil or entering its embassy where ousted President Manuel Zelaya has taken refuge to avoid arrest.
Micheletti told Reuters in an interview that Zelaya can stay in the embassy for "5 to 10 years" if he wants to, but urged the leftist president to turn himself over to authorities to face charges of corruption and violating the constitution.Zelaya, toppled in a coup in June, ended almost three months of exile by sneaking back into Honduras on Monday and seeking refuge at the Brazilian embassy to avoid arrest.
Honduran security forces now surround the embassy.
(Reporting by Gustavo Palencia, Editing by Sandra Maler)
Personas que se manifestaban pacíficamente en la colonia El Pedregal, Hato de enmedio y colonia están siendo reprimidos en Colonia La Canada estos momentos.
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