Nohemi Perez
Perez has been appointed by the COFADEH to monitor all incidents that occur in the mobilizations of the National Front for Popular Resistance, carried out since the day of the coup against President Manuel Zelaya Rosales, June 28 2009.
Perez recounted that on January 7 she participated in the massive outpouring of resistance that swept the capital from the National Pedagogical University Francisco Morazán and during the same day, the same men were in the steps leading to her house, but who left when her neighbor asked them why they were there and then they chose to leave.
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, IACHR granted precautionary measures under the MC number 196-09 in favor of the 17 members of the Committee of Relatives of Detained and Disappeared in Honduras (COFADEH) and their respective households and families. The IACHR asked to have information on the implementation of measures within 20 days.
But it's been almost 60 days, three times the term given to the Honduran state and so far they have not taken the necessary steps to safeguard the physical integrity of people in this organization, nor has proceeded to investigate the facts that rise in insecurity for them.
The lack of research is what has caused that Perez's life is at risk , who during the coup has been harassed by state security forces when she participated in the demonstrations.
"The Commission requested to take necessary measures to protect the life and physical integrity of the 17 members of COFADEH and their nuclear families and to provide perimeter protection COFADEH headquarters and report on actions taken to investigate the facts that gave rise to the precautionary measures, "said the Commission in its communication to the State of Honduras. See details.
The decision of the Commission is based on the complaint lodged by the human rights organization in the sense that several people working in this institution have been the subject of threatening calls and surveillance, and the tear gas attack by police on September 21, 2009 when there were about 120 people inside, many of them wounded, offering testimony about the violence occurring outside the Embassy of Brazil, and from that date the building is controlled by people taking photographs.
The detailed COFADEH before the IACHR on 18 September 2009, when they were in a police station where a hearing was held, Berta Oliva's car brakes were mangled , President of COFADEH, who is receiving precautionary measures by the IACHR since 28 June 2009; indicates that there were screws loose from the tire from another car COFADEH lawyer who was at the scene.
An application alleges that members of COFADEH been receiving threatening calls on their cell phones and Internet messages that tell them to stop reporting the de facto government and they know where they are or what activities different family members, as children or siblings do . The Commission requested to take necessary measures to protect the life and physical integrity of the 17 members of COFADEH and their nuclear families and to provide perimeter protection COFADEH headquarters and report on actions taken to investigate the events leading to the adoption of precautionary measures.
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