Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Facusse’s security forces killed more peasants in Aguan

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
12 peasants have being killed in the Bajo Aguan region this year due to disputes between peasants and landowners who are in turn backed by police and armed forces. 

According to a source from Tiempo.hn regime’s head Lobo Sosa gave orders to deploy security forces to the zone in order “to protect property from the people”, again criminalizing peasant struggles in the eyes of the public.

In the meatime, according to a source close to the INA, the National Agrarian Institute, about 200 armed men under orders from the landowner attacked  today the farmers, using weapons. Facusse aims to seize the land belonging to farmers according to the same source who asked for anonymity.

The dead are all farmers as the information provided by Radio Globo. According to the allegations transmitted via telephone, security guards, are supported by members of the police in their actions against farmers.

The authorities of the Public Ministry confirmed the death of the farmers this morning in the buffer zone of the Guaymoreto lake, near the sector known as Tumbador.

Members of small farmer groups said that they were victims of an ambush by security guards watching over an African Palm plantation that they had planned to "recuperate."

By 1:45 the public prosecutor's office had attended to three of the six cadavers. One of them was identified as Teodoro Pozas, 35 years old, while the identities of the others remained unknown.

At least six peasants died this morning and several were wounded following a confrontation in the buffer zone of the Guaymoreto lake, near the sector known as Tumbador, (the known Estate is in the site of the CREM, that Miguel Facusse pretends to appropriate).

In the region there are various African Palm plantations that have been ocupied by landless peasants groups.

In Honduras, the struggle to recuperate land by extremely poor landless peasants have being occurring during the last 4 decades due to the pressure that exist in order to produce food and survive. Landowners have pressured the State to be able to grab the lands that were formerly designated for Agrarian Reform purposes. The landowners are directly liked to the 2009 coup d’Etát, and lobby for political support through FENAGH (Honduras National Federation of Farmers and Live Stokers) and other organizations. This grabbing in turn, includes evictions of campesinos that act based on a legal framework that allow them to make official claims over unproductive lands according to the Honduran constitution (Decree No. 8 in the Law of Agrarian Reform). During the evictions peasants are killed or disappeared and their houses burned. This has happened every year but now the resistance movement in Honduras help make visible all this killings through the alternative media programs that are now heard nationwide.

Adapted by Editor from
 Quotha and Red Morazanica de Informacion 

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