Saturday, February 13, 2010

Harassment of Teachers of the resistance in Instituto Técnico Honduras

Marlon David Hernandez
Harassment and producing confrontation, are the favorite weapons of Calix Nelson, director of the Technical Institute Honduras, against teachers who participate in the National Resistance Front, as denounced by the teacher Marlon David Hernandez, to the Committee of Relatives of Detained Disappeared in Honduras, COFADEH.
According to unofficial information, one of the strategies of the de facto government of Porfirio Lobo, is to implement a strategy to confront parents with teachers who do not support the coup nor the current government  born from  the coup.
Hernandez, who is professor of the Technical Drafting in Honduras, testified before the COFADEH that Calix "always confront the people of the resistance and the teachers who are in resistance, we fail attendance to stand up acts against us. He has definined himself out of school as of being a white shirt.
He said the officer promotes discord between parents and teachers and he presents himself as  the saviour of  the students, trying to show the teachers as if  they  the evil ones  destroying the future  of young people, invoking  the decree approved by the dictator Roberto Mucheletti on 30 October where the school year begins earlier.
Sin embargo tal decreto no abarca a los alumno que Cálix presiona para que pasen el año lectivo y citó algunos ejemplos; “tengo un alumno que hizo primer parcial, llegó con una nota dirigida al director el año pasado donde decía que yo por andar en la resistencia no le daba clases a su hijo, su hijo solo hizo el primer parcial, y se retiró, pero el director quiere que lo pase.

But the decree does not cover the students, whom Calix pressures to pass  the academic year and cited some examples: "I have a student who  coursed the first parcial, he  first arrived  with a note addressed to the director last year where it said that because of me being in the resistance I did not give lessons to his son, his  son only made the first part, and withdrew, but the director wants me to pass him.
Hernandez said he was very concerned with some parents who can threaten him, because Calix feeds grudges against teachers in resistance.

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