Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Murdered Social Sciences Teacher,Jose Manuel Flores, an active and prominent member of the National Resistance Against the Coup

by Andrés Pavón (CODEH)Tegucigalpa, Honduras, March 23, 2010.
 At 3:00 p.m., a stranger was sighted in front  of the Official Institute of Secondary School, San Jose del Pedregal. The unusual presence of a stranger caused concerns among students and teachers, who are over thirty teachers who make up the staff  that covers teaching obligations at school. Among the teachers was the teacher of Social Sciences, José Manuel Flores, who performed the role of teacher advisor. 

Witnesses at the scene saw two pick up vehicles approaching from the rear of the premises of the institution, one green and another white, thought to be  2009 models because of their appearance.

Teacher  Manuel, like his friends called him, was in the back of the facility  doing his supervision work with the students, where he encountered the murderers, who had crossed the perimeter fence and fired their guns at close range. Teacher Manuel was in a terrace and fell down, while from above the murderers fired again. As the murderers fled,  the ski mask  belonging to one of them  was caught in the  security serpentine perimeter fence , where they had previously opened a hole to wait for their victim. The teacher died instantly.
In this way,  they murdered another member of the Resistance against the coup. Teacher Manuel was a member of the Socialist Workers Party (PST), writer of articles some of them published in the Journal La Tribuna  and the online newspaper SOCA (of the Central American Socialist Party).
This is the first case of a teacher who was murdered inside educational facilities in front of his  peers and students.
Those who ordered and planned the crime are clear in their strategic purpose: to spark fear within the peaceful movement of resistance, killing prominent leaders of this movement, committing these crimes without compromising its members from the  state security forces. 

To achieve such acts, they work in the  transnationalization of crime by hiring mercenaries from other countries who have come to Honduras to take vengeance on them, vengeance on those who in their pursuit of justice against the criminal aggression following the coup, broke glass, painted walls, threw a  bottle with gas, caricatured religious personalities, human rights defenders and journalists, the attackers got nicknames from them.

 Murdered José Manuel Flores, member of the  PSOCA, COPEMH and FNRP

by Partido Socialista Centroamericano (PSOCA)

Today at 4.15 pm on  March 23 2010, at the Instituto San José del Pedregal, in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, our comrade, José Manuel Flores Arguijo, was killed. He was a prominent teachers union leader, a founding member of the Central American Socialist Party (PSOC), a member of the Editorial Board of the monthly journal THE CENTRAL AMERICAN SOCIALIST, and delegate to the Central Secretariat (SECA) of PSOC.

Three masked men shot him to death, while doing his work of faculty advisor of the Instituto San José del Pedregal. In 1999, José Manuel Flores Arguijo  served as Prosecutor of the Central Board of the Union of Teachers of Middle School (COPEMH), the largest teachers union in Honduras. He was known to the teachers' union and among the Honduran left.
His cowardly murder is part of a campaign of selective crimes against union and popular leaders  grouped in the National Front of Resistance against the coup. The wave of violence and social disintegration of the Honduran capital is used as a smokescreen by the dark forces of opposition to take the lives of well-known and respected trade union  leaders and of the left.
The murder of Comrade Jose Manuel Flores Arguijo is part of the campaign to frighten   from  the illegitimate government of Porfirio Lobo, to attack the most important achievement of Honduran teachers, as is the Teacher Statute, and also to attack the university workers, grouped in SITRAUNAH and ADEUNAH, struggling against the crisis of the university, for a better pay and working conditions.
They murdered our comrade José Manuel Flores Arguijo but his murderers will not frighten us. We have a firm and unyielding commitment to the struggle of workers, socialist reunification of the Central American country, and his cowardly murder, though it hurts us, forces us to move forward, with his example and tenacity.

The Socialist Party Central (PSoC) expressed its condolences to his family, wife and children, and calls to the left of Honduras, unions and trade unions in Central America, Latin America and the world to condemn this type of targeted assassination, to demand Porfirio Lobo to clear up this murder, and all the other occurred in the recent period, punishing the guilty.
We call on all parties and organizations from the left to express repudiation to the  illegitimate president Porfirio Lobo, demanding clarification of the facts and to punish the guilty.
With the pain that tears  our hearts, we cry: Comrade Jose Manuel Flores Arguijo, 'til the  Central socialist reunification, always!

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